My Season in Review: Summer 2022

summer review energy with ryan energy healing reiki seasonal living


Wow. Summer was a hot one, ya’ll. And just like my garden and the plants local to me, I had a little mid-season overload where I had to hibernate for a pretty long time.

For me, summer is a bit like my winter as the weather is really harsh and takes it out of me. But overall this summer was filled with lots of growth: gardening, pushing my boundaries, opening myself up to new worlds.

Some SUMMER Highlights

✦ Planted so many tomato plants and only ate about 9 tomatoes from them all because the squirrels ate nearly every single one. I was able to save 2 heirloom tomatoes — brandywines — and they were my pride and joy.

✦ Made sooo many different types of jams and jelly. Strawberry. Blueberry. Raspberry. Red pepper jelly. Banana pepper jelly. Banana pepper basil jelly. Tomato. The banana pepper basil jelly was the surprising favorite — it calls for red onions and you can taste that onion but it gives it an interesting kick.  

✦ Had the most stressful time with growing watermelons and could never figure out when they were ripe. Didn’t get to enjoy any of the 9 that produced.

✦ Had a crap ton of blight and lost a lot of our potato harvest, but was still able to get a few handfuls of them. 

✦ Had 10-12 ft sunflowers (but squirrels ate them immediately).

✦ Wrapped up the Rising Session Secret Circle — a sisterhood with tarot + energy healing — and creating something new for all. Be on the lookout for our new creation. 

✦ Expanded everyone’s pallets by having them try our ground cherries. They were my first time having them, too, and they were almost too sweet for me. But super fun to grow and share. 

✦ Opened up my 1:1s and spent a lot of time doing 1:1 sessions with folks.

✦ Wrapped up the spring/summer cohort of Sunday Nourish Club. (We had so much fun!) And opened up fall/winter cohort of Sunday Nourish Club.

✦ Got a free akashic reading by someone I admired who doesn’t do them anymore and they told me that my guides told me to eat Rice Krispie treats. So I did and it was amazing.

✦ Discovered I could make my own ice cream drumsticks with gluten free cones and dairy free ice cream and omg… a new door has been unlocked in my life. 

✦ Got really into my infradian rhythm (my menstrual cycle) and charting it down. It’s been so helpful to connect the dots on what’s going on .

✦ Manifested being on Tara Brunet podcast and we had so much fun chatting. We went deep into body work and trusting it.


Fall is a time of going inward and, boy oh boy, am I ready for it.

For a deeper dive on the energetics of fall, go here. For an energy healing to welcome summer’s energy, go here.

My intention with fall is to fully lean into it. I used to be a hater of the holidays, but now I’ve seen the light — as in, it brings in so much light to my days.

I’ve already started to decorate for fall, adding lots of fake candles to make it cozy and to bring in the light on the darkening days. I’m choosing to balance rest and fun fall activities, being mindful of doing what feels good with the energy I have. I also have things planned that I’m looking forward to and getting cute outfits ready (because that was a big piece I discovered during my fall journaling… I was excited to look cute again now that it’s not 100 degrees.)

Fall Bucket List

  • Decorate for fall

  • Carve pumpkins

  • Continue to use to darker nights to craft and connect with friends and fam

  • Make ancestor altar

  • 💘💘💘

  • Dye fabric with natural things (like my own marigold and black walnuts)

  • Read some witchy books. (Perhaps another re-read of Practical Magic??)

  • Celebrate Samhain

Biz Goals

  • Launch Sunday Nourish Club for fall/winter season

  • Create new downloadable energy healing offerings for the holidays

  • Open up a new beta energy healing program… more info coming soon

  • Because 1:1s are almost all booked for the rest of 2022, open up some sort of group energy healing sessions for nervous system/peace/calm for holiday stuff

  • Continue to work on top secret project with MysticRose.Co and get it ready to launch for you soon

Wishing you a peaceful and cozy fall, friends!

PS: Want to get the latest news when everything drops? Sign up for my newsletter HERE. (Don’t forget to add them birthday digits because I have a birthday surprise for you too!)


Energy Healing: When Life Knocks You Down


Energy Healing: Releasing FOMO