Energy Healing: Releasing FOMO


Have more fun & stop feeling like you’re missing out

Transcript Below

The fear of missing out (fomo) is real.

From the looks of it, everyone is having more fun than you. Their lives are better.

It’s a shitty feeling and makes you feel like you’re totally missing out on life.

So in todays energy healing, we focused on releasing the hold of FOMO.

We released old beliefs and emotions keeping us from our own joy. We worked on our vision, opening up the way we see the world, including seeing with more self compassion and less comparison. We energetically filled up our cups and did some deep gratitude practice.

As a reminder, you deserve to have fun. You deserve to live a life of your dreams.

PS: This is from October 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

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*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome welcome welcome friends. It is community energy thursday and it is me ryan energy with ryan, an energy healer and intuitive and today we're gonna be working on fomo. So the fear of missing out feeling left behind, feeling like you need to catch up that something's missing. That's what we're gonna be working on today. And if you're new community energy thursday is the best day of the month, it's the first thursday of the month and it's a community energy healing session.

So we come together, we support the community and get some free energy healing. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you. Welcome. Let's get started. This is a good one. I realized that you know to me foam oh, looks like a certain thing.

It looks like scrolling on instagram and pinterest and being like, oh man, look at look at what my friends doing, there's so much cooler and better than me. And then I realized that I still have film. Oh, but it doesn't look like that, it looks like missing out feeling like you know, I'm here, I'm 33, it's like what what else should I have? So I'm excited to work on this with you.

Okay, let's get a drink of water reminder that I'm not a medical doctor, this is for fun, I'm not diagnosing anything. This is entertainment only into take care of yourself. If it doesn't feel good then you can stop whenever you need. Okay, so just get centered kind of breathe into the space you're at right now we're going to wrap you up in a bubble of light color, blue, pink.

Yes, a pink bubble of light and that which only serves your kindness, gentlest, most loving, healthiest, joyful, good and divine law and order can come through this bubble. We're setting that that protection that boundary and then we thank the earth.

We are so grateful for the earth. We thank you for its bounty, its glory, its many resources. We thank those who have stewarded the land for so many generations including the land we are on. We are on. So you can give thanks to that land.

And we're also thankful for our spirit team, our guides, our ancestors, our beloved past ones, our angels, you know all of our our spirit team members who protect us who watch over us, who guide us who are with us day to day and maybe not always day to day.

And we asked the earth and our spirit team to be here with us now to help us shift what we need to shift to release what we need to release, to integrate what we need to integrate in a way that's perfect, complete gentle loving for you and your body, mind and spirit. Okay, so now I am going to connect to your energy.

This is a great time to set your intention. Perhaps there's something that you feel like you like you know you have fomo about and you're like let's shift this or perhaps you know nothing and you're like, I just want to feel better. I just want to feel more radiant or expansive or peaceful at the end of this. And that's, that's a great intention to, I'm seeing some funny visuals.

I typically a part of my energy healing practice and the way I learned was is to always receive energy first because I need to give from a full cup that's called spiritual selfishness in my modality. Integrative energy therapy, which is similar to ricky. Yeah. When after I filled myself up with energy and right before I connected to you, I saw like, I guess my energy kind of like crack their fingers and be like, I'm ready, let's get this.

Okay, yes, okay. Uh, here I'm in. Okay, okay, where should we start first? Okay, so we're going to start with our vision and energetically and make it so we are not looking and seeking for things to make us feel left out or that we're missing out energetic.

I think sometimes our, our bodies are so prone to like look at things and like, oh man, they're doing that cool thing. I'm so jealous. You know, looking at it through a lens of what you don't have and let's see if we can shift it to look at things and be like, oh, that's awesome for them.

I'm happy for them. I'm also happy for me where I'm at right now. But also it is a reminder that jealousy can be used as a tool to tell you what you want more of. I, if I find myself really jealous over someone getting in my foam oh, phase that it's like, okay, there's obviously something I want out of this.

Typically, sometimes it's, it's not, but sometimes it's like, oh, they're traveling. Maybe I need to do something similar to travel. Like pretend I'm a tourist in my hometown, something like that.

So we're just helping to shift that, that perspective. That view is that good. Yes. Okay. I'm feeling we're just going to to fill up our own cup right now. It is very common and normal in our society, in our capitalistic society where you know, we have to do what we need to do to survive. And a lot of times that doesn't include fun or taking care of ourselves because our lives are spent doing the other things we have to do, chores cleaning, taking care of ourselves school and so there can be like unhappiness, there can be wanting, desiring.

How many times have I told myself? Like, I don't need to do that fun thing. I have so many more chores I need to do and is that really healthy? Like, yes, of course I need to take care of myself. I need to like live in a clean space, but also that fun is a necessity, but again, it's, it's, it's a privilege, but if you have the ability to, how can we dive deep isn't the word, but how can we taste it?

How can we touch it, I'm also getting, you know, a lot of us turn to social media when we're tired. When we want to like turn our brains off. Maybe when we have a little bit of a break and we are too tired to do something else.

At least that's for me because you're depleted trying to survive. And you know, we we go to these social media sites when we're already kind of feeling this energetic low because we're tired. We would love to do something fun, but we just don't have it in us. And then we see all the other fun that other people are having.

And so we already are in that like energetic low. So like fomo is not your fault. Like feeling like you're missing out. Like people are doing better things more fun things. Our lives are better. That's that's a product of capitalism, a product of our society. We're just supporting.

Is it the same gnome our stomach? Yes. Something in our stomach. We're supporting it right now. We are giving it energy. We are giving we're filling up the cup, we're releasing like this heaviness of perhaps not supporting your own happiness. Something of that nature. Doing fun things we're releasing whatever needs to go.

And so we're reminding ourselves that only we could make ourselves happy and we can't we need to do that for ourselves, you deserve it? And whatever? Whatever manner, whatever capability you have, if you have five minutes, you know, how can we do something that feels good and nourishing and fun in those minutes.

Maybe it's listening to your favorite song. No, okay, how can we release this? There's something that I need to release. Let me just dive in. We are telling your subconscious, you deserve fun. You deserve fun. You deserve to live a life of your dreams.

Like that's no question like you deserve that everyone deserves that. There's something else it needs to hear and you get to you don't if if sometimes we can be punishing and you don't need to punish yourself anymore. You get, you can choose the fun first. Oh, that was it. Oh yeah, there was something, there was really heavy.

Um, take a few deep breaths with me. I have a hero. It's like that mary oliver poem that I won't be able to remember, but like, you don't need to walk on your knee, crawl on your knees to deserve this thing. Like you deserve it. And sometimes when we have a full cup, when we are happy, it is easier, we are more fulfilled and is easier to do those chores and take care of yourself.

I'm definitely kind of getting um, you know, there's a lot of dialogue around uh, like poor poor people and how they don't deserve good things like people get mad when they see someone who utilizes food stamps, buying like a nice cut of meat or someone who, I don't know is also on who is on unemployment wearing a nice jacket or like a designer purse.

There's this punishing in our society that if you are not excelling, you need to be grueling and, and sacrificing everything and that is so wrong. That's so painful. Like why make our human experience so even worse people deserve nice things. People deserve to take care of themselves.

People don't need to be policing other people and their happiness and their joy. And so you can think of it like that like, you know, you, you deserve good things, especially like life is really crappy. A lot of the times do the fun thing just like you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

You gotta do what you gotta do to have fun. Okay, good. Yes, that'll release. Yes. Okay, now we're going to fill up our bodies again, but this time completely, we're gonna fill it with presents, not like gifts, but like being present and with that, we're also filling it up with love and joy and support and I'm starting at the toes.

So if you like to visualize with me, we're going from the toes to the top of our head. You can imagine a waterfall coming over you. Okay. It feels really good. And so now we're going to, yeah, kind of design our own life energetically really quickly so we can begin to call in the things that are going to support us and a reminder that, you know, fomo shows up in so many different ways.

It can show up always needing to work to keep yourself busy, to feeling a lack to being jealous. And so we are trying to energetically support ourselves so we don't need to that were already full inside, so we do not need to kind of look elsewhere and like we like we're happy with where we're at and if you're not happy where you're at, that's okay.

So many of us aren't and that's what this what we're doing right now is we're helping to call it in. We're helping to see how we can ask for energetic support. Again, a reminder that, you know, I have there are real systematic oppressions for so many folks, particularly minorities um with with minority identities, uh l g b t q plus uh you know, bipoc folks like there's real oppression there and you can't just manifest your way out of systems of oppression.

I just want to make that very clear and also, you know, do not be mad at yourself if you're like, I can't make this thing happen. Like this is what I dream like there are there are systems in place. So just be very gentle with yourself. Okay, so I want you to imagine the thing you get the most fomo about perhaps for me. It's traveling for you.

It could be seeing someone like beautifully curated life like their home looks perfect or someone's like you feel like they have it all figured out and like they know everything. So think about kind of what that is and then I want you to think about receiving that. Think of that, it's already yours.

And how does that make you feel if you're traveling like seeing the sunset in, I don't know, in ireland or you walk into your house and it just smells so clean and it's so happy. Like it just exactly how you'd like it really feel those emotions and again, practice this.

If this is challenging practice and then I want you to think of something, just ask your yourself, your, your spirit, what can I do that would help me feel that same way. Like what's a small thing I can do. I don't know about you but like I love the sunset no matter where it is. But I make it a point when I travel to see sunsets, but I would just be as happy seeing a sunset here.

And so it's taking the time out of my day to see a sunset. Perhaps if it's, you know, having a beautiful house. How can you bring some sort of decoration into your house or maybe have like a really good smell some sort of like a candle. If it's the way like someone dresses.

Is there a way you can, you know, go thrift something or look into your closet and see things differently. Give yourself a challenge to put together an outfit that you never would have thought of. Okay before we ground. I would like for us to do a quick gratitude practice.

I'm a huge gratitude fan. It's helped change my life and I would love to welcome it into yours. And so I want you to think of something that you have wanted for a very long time that you have now. Perhaps it's a pair of shoes or the job. Maybe the job you want that you have now you've wanted for a really long time and the job might be crappy right now, but you have it, you got it.

I want you to really feel and just be like, man, I'm so grateful that I had this thing and I want us to do it to three things. So this is our first. I want you to really think and really, you know, feel the emotions of like this is the thing I have, I'm so grateful for it.

Even if it's not where you want to be, you have it now you have this thing. Okay now let's do our 2nd 1. You know, I always find it helpful to think back, I don't know, 10 15 years and imagine younger you looking at your life now, I'll be like, wow, we have this thing, we have this thing, we have a car, we can drive.

We've I don't know, we've been to ireland, we've have an apartment, we have our own garden. Like what is it that little you would have been so excited about? Okay. And then the third thing, okay, I want you to take a deep breath with me. There's something no.

Okay, are we good? Yes. Okay. So we've released some old beliefs from our field about not deserving or allowing ourselves to have fun to do those fun things. We've filled ourselves up with love and support to hopefully allow you to go do something fun today. And we've also experienced gratitude and really felt it through our whole, entire energetic body, which is a practice.

I really suggest doing, I rent my gratitude every night and I make sure I feel it because sometimes you can be like, I'm thankful for my car, thankful that I have food in the fridge, but you don't feel it. And I think it's feeling it really, really helpful and maybe like some fun homework if you, if you would like it.

I recommend kind of like, you know, digging into that that thing we worked on, like the things that you want, that thing that inspired fomo and ask yourself how can I give myself something that feels the same and just do something little. Maybe if you want a really nice dinner, someone went to a restaurant that you love. What about just like making yourself a fancy drink by like if you have some spindrift or some bubbly sparkly water, you know, put it in a nice glass with like a slice of lemon and just elevate your experience a little bit.

Those little steps are going to turn into a huge reward. Okay, I want you to feel where your body is touching something solid. I want you to see a bright white light at the base of your spine. I want you to imagine this light their roots. So these roots are coming out of your spine, out of your sits, bones going down your legs into your feet and then your feet open up and then two thick roots come out of the bottoms of your feet go deep, deep, deep into the earth and they got all directions.

Give you a good sturdy grounded base. We're going to wrap you up in a bubble of light. Oops, okay, that's good. Yes. And then we're going to ask an angel, a spirit team member or a tree or something that you feel connected to, to hug your bubble for added protection.

You take another deep breath with me. Okay going to disconnect our energy. So I'm sending your energy back to you. I'm calling back all my energy to myself. I'm so excited for that one. I needed it to oh my gosh, so, so good. I hope that was supportive for you. I hope you know, and a reminder that these things are, they're challenging.

There's there are things that we've learned we've been doing for most of our life and we can have an instant shift and also we can need to work on it. So if this is something you still need to work on, watch this again as many times you would like, I'm going to pull a card for us. It is going to be from the sacred traveler oracle cards.

Yeah. And it's a message we need to know. And just a reminder, if you'd like to work with me, I do one on my books are open for one on ones right now and you can find it in the information below. This is so beautiful. Wondrous universe. Walk in beauty.

Perhaps when we did that energy healer, that that healing to help us look through a different lens. We inspired this. I'm going to read it okay. You live in a beautiful and wondrous universe. You are a beautiful being. Take time to see and cherish the wonders of life. Whether you wherever you go, it transforms your life.

There's remarkable beauty within you, simply acknowledging it allows it to surface even more. This is what we're saying, oh my gosh, like you can't make this up the time you take to create beauty in your home will manifest in your life and native traditions. Walking in beauty means to honor all the natural cycles of life and to experience a sacred communion with the creator in all things including oneself.

The sacred traveler wants you to know there's always beauty around you and within you. The sacred traveler constantly looks for and embraces the majestic, wondrous universe in all forms, you can hear it in the song of an early morning bird, you can smell it in the aroma of freshly baking bread and you can see it in the way the clouds float across the sky. The more you seek beauty, the more it will find you and the more you will find yourself in a beautiful world totally. I actually just did this with a client yesterday, two clients yesterday and we energetically created them new glasses.

Like you're just like to imagine putting on glasses and when you put these glasses on, you see the world in a different light. You see the miracles, you see your your guides support you. You see the signs that you want to receive, and you can see the beauty and view it. You you view it differently when you have these special glasses on.

So that's perhaps another thing you can do to start practicing is maybe you have three minutes, you're like, okay, I'm gonna put my special glasses on energetically. That's my intention. And I'm going to see the world in a different way.

And I think that would be really helpful for all of us. I'm gonna do it today. That's so exciting. I hope you get to walk in beauty, my friend, I'm so glad you're here. Yeah, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your month and I will see you next community energy thursday, which will be the first thursday of november at 12 p. M. Eastern time.



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