Energy Healing: When Life Knocks You Down

energy healing reiki iet for rough times

Energy healing to support & pick yourself back up

Transcript Below

Life can be hard and these past few years have felt harder than ever.

This energy healing helps support your bruised energy and offers some hope, expansion, and a soft, loving action.

In this healing, we:

❤️ expanded your heart energy and your entire energetic field so you can feel less overwhelmed and numb and more alive and hopeful

❤️ released heaviness around your root and kidneys to release any fear and get you feeling supported and safe

❤️ inspired some loving, gentle action to help lift you out of the pit of despair and get back to living!

A reminder to be gentle with yourself and to do one joyful thing that brings you lots of happiness. Allow it to help pick you back up, too.

PS: This is from November 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

Sign up HERE to be alerted to the next CET and other free energy healing events.

*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome welcome, this is a community energy thursday and I'm energy with ryan and I'm so glad that you're here welcome welcome and if you're new community energy thursday is probably the best day of the month because it's where you get to receive free energy. We support the community, we help support each other because community care is so important and community care is like where it's at.

Okay let's get started. Today is all about energy healing to really help pick you back up after some tough some tough shit, some hard things where you feel like you might be in a pit of despair where I don't know life just got you down. So that's what the energy healing is for today, a reminder, not a medical doctor, you know, go go please if you're in need of mental support, physical support, please go to a loved one or a medical professional but that's important too.

Okay let's begin. Just sit where wherever you are, just really feel where your body is touching something solid. Okay, I'm going to wrap us in a purple no pink uh bubble of light and that which only serves your most loving, gentle, kindest, pleasurable, healthy, highest good in divine law and order can come through this bubble and we call on the earth and we call on our spirit team right now we're so thankful for the earth for all of its blessings, all of its resources.

We thank those who have stewarded the land for so many generations and then we thank our spirit team for being there with us for helping us heal and shift what needs to heal and shift. So we're just giving our gratitude and then we asked the earth and our spirit team to be with us now to help watch over us, to guide us to help us release what we need to release to shift what you need to shift.

And we're asking for all of this in a way that's right for you and your body, for your mind, your body and spirit in a complete gentle, effortless way. Okay, I'm going to connect to your energy and so just really think of your intention, you know this energy healing again is to help lift you back up after things, get heavy things get hard and so what is your intention?

How do you want to feel after this? What is the purpose? Like how are you trying to feel in the long run? A and while I connect, if you don't know who I am, I'm energy with ryan, I'm an energy healer and intuitive and I help folks get unstuck, I helped them go calling their dream life through energy healing and it's really fun. I have some one on ones uh sessions open right now if that's something that interests you and then I do this every month, the first thursday of the month, this is your first time with energy healing.

Welcome. It's so fun, it's a really, I call it like a shortcut like a, like a secret sauce to get you to where you want to go because you can use energy to shift things on on such a quantum level. My modality is integrative energy therapy and the which is similar to ricky and the tag line is we get the issues out of the tissues which I love.

Yes. Okay, I'm in first. We're going to wrap you up in a beautiful blanket, like a warm blanket. Pink. Yes, a pink blanket. You can imagine yourself wrapped in it. It's warm. It's fuzzy.

This blanket is it's really nourishing your body. It's really feeling good. It's really calming you. It's it's just filling up your cup. What I'm feeling right now is, you know, after we've experienced such an intense heaviness, hardship, something that leaves us reeling our bodies kind of feel catatonic there.

The energy feels catatonic and again, very natural. There's nothing wrong with that. However, we're just trying to bring some life and some some kindness and love back into your energy field and a reminder if this is not what you need right now, ignore it.

Come back to it. Don't come back to it. Do not push yourself. Do not stress your body part of mhm okay, I see a little like energetic glow coming out. So should we just, we're gonna be patient with it. Our goal today is not to push you back into the world like we take baby steps were very gentle with ourselves.

I believe in being soft with ourselves and so we're just trying to we're not going from a to z. We're going from a to b. A two c. We want some movement. We want some expansion, but not in a way that overwhelms. Oh wow, this is really beautiful. What I'm feeling now is the body just needed that support.

Just needed that comfort to fully open. And I wish I wish that for all of us. I wish that for you and remember that the next time you feel this way to just give yourself some extra softness and things will will shift for you. Okay, that feels good right now. I'm just helping this light. Is it? From the heart?

Yes. From other places in the heart now. So right now I'm helping the heart just really expand to open. We're welcoming it. We're encouraging it. This is I don't necessarily like it's a sort of hope, you know, depending on where you are, like what has happened.

I don't want to be insensitive to that. Okay. And also I do believe in having some hope. Yeah. Mhm. You have survived 100% of the days before. You always like to remember that during the really hard times and you haven't always felt like this, you won't always feel like this.

This isn't forever. It feels really good. All right, good. Yes, okay, can we? What should we do next? We're really going to expand some of this energy to get it into the crevices of your body.

It's definitely feeling a little stagnant around the root. So let's dive into that. Yes. So we're just going to clear our root holds and our kidneys hold safety, the feeling of safety. So let's clear some of that, especially safety in the time of change, which is something you're experiencing right now. Right.

Things feel unbalanced, wobbly, possibly unsafe vacuum. Yes, we're just going to take my handy dandy vacuum visualization. We're going to just vacuum up any stagnant, any heavy energy around your route. So kind of around your lower pelvis, your kidneys. It's very it's a very interesting visual.

It looks like a skirt that's made of clouds. Like it's made of that sort of energy. That's the energy I get from it. The picture. So we're just releasing that cloud skirt. Yes, there's a certain no. Okay, is there anything more? So we're going to fill this space with bright white light, divine, divine energy from the angels from the universe.

We're just asking your spirit team, you know, your beloved past ones? Your angels, your spirit guides, your beloved past um animals to really support this area right now help you feel safe? Help you feel grounded.

Mm and that will allow you to kind of shift out of this state uh more quickly because you have that that grounded nous, that feeling of safety and security. I'm also seeing like if you have a lap weighted blanket or even just a regular lap blanket or a blanket to keep it wrapped around your waist to just and and and think of it as this energetic blanket to protect you to ground you make you feel safe.

I think that would really be helpful. Adrenals. No. Okay. Yeah. Mhm. Okay. Is that good? Yes. Your energy feels so much more expensive. I mean we started this healing where I could not really feel your energy. It felt very static in um frozen, which again very normal, no judgment there.

But now your energy seems much more open. I can feel like all of it. You feel your energetic bubble and so now if it feels good to you again remember if it doesn't don't do it, ignore it. But if you are ready to take the next step after this, you know the first step being really nourishing your energy feeling safe, allowing your and being soft to yourself.

If you are ready to move on to the next step and if you're not, no worries, keep listening to this part and then just turn it off, we are going to inspire some sort of small loving action. And this is because sometimes when we are in this, I like to call a pit of despair where things feel so heavy, you don't know what to do, you can end up looping in and just feeling so stuck and like it's always going to be this awful and I find that any sort any sort of little action can help shift that. So it doesn't feel so heavy.

And then for me, I mean I don't know about you, but for me I can really stress over what action should I go on a walk? Should I do something joyful like art? And and then I loop over that and so there's no wrong answer here. Whatever you feel called to do if it's you know to shake your body for one minute, if it's to go on a walk, if it's to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly, whatever it is, that is the right thing to do and don't stress over it.

Heart. Yes. So we're going to put this little piece of energy like you can imagine it like a little jewel, a diamond or some sort of crystal in your heart. Space. This is going to help you take some sort of action. Small loving action.

We are giving the intention of this jewel that if it's not right for you right now, it'll just stay dormant until you're ready and then it will spark to life and give you some sort of clue or nudge to move forward. However if it if you are ready, this jewel will grow from the heart. Yes, heart.

And then say crow, yes. And then move to your sacred all your energy center, your life force center. Ah and it will inspire something, it will spark something. We're just letting that spark grow. Yeah. Good. Yes. Yes.

Okay. There's something else we need to do here with the single no with the spark. Yes. Okay. I'm seeing us hug this spark like kind of another image and and where it's like right in front of us this spark and it's like a big star now and we actually hug the star and it like takes us off like floats somewhere.

So what do we need to do with this allow yourself to be taken? Is something popping up for you that you are feeling inspired to go do? Is there something that you've been meaning to do for yourself away to take care of yourself that you've been putting off, allow this start to to take you to give you the energy to support you in doing that.

Okay. So yes there's one more. Okay what should we do before we end and before we ground and integrate, I want you to imagine from your heart space this light coming out and then wrapping over your body. So it's coming out from your heart space it's going over your head, over your shoulders, down your back, down your arms, your torso, your legs, your feet, the back of your body.

We're just going to give thanks to our body. You can also hug yourself. I would like for you to say maybe three gratitude. Something that you're grateful for for yourself, something that you're grateful for in in your life and the other one is up to you whatever feels good.

So I have one hand on my heart and that feels really good. So that's how we're going to ground and integrate today. I um definitely would suggest putting your hand over your heart. That feels good. I feel real warmth of energy from my hands. Your hands are an energy center.

You can send yourself energy. You are an energy healer yourself. Okay are we entering? Yes. Okay so let's ground. I want you to feel where your body is touching something solid like the chair, the floor and then imagine two big roots coming from the base of your spine. So really see it growing from your spine down your legs down your feet and then your feet open up and then two thick roots go down down down deep into the earth.

Okay then your roots go out in all directions to really help lock you down, lock you lock your roots in. Okay then we're wrapping you up in a bubble of light, this is your protection bubble and you can ask your spirit team the earth to wrap them wrap wrap your bubble with their their energy to help keep you more protected and secure.

So now I'm going to disconnect our energy. I'm gonna send your energy back to you and then I'm going to call back all my own energy to myself. How do you feel? How was a really beautiful healing? I hope that brought you some softness, some gentleness, some safety, some support.

Life can be really hard. It can be really shitty and it can suck. And so I hope this brought you something to help ease that and to help hopefully shift shift something for you. But at the very least just give you some support. That's so good. I'm so glad to hear now.

It's time to for an awkward card and I just was thinking it's november's community energy thursday. That means we have one more left for 2022. Oh wow. Navigating by the stars. Follow your bliss. I love that. Okay, let's read it.

Especially for the energy healing we are doing today. You know, it can be so easy to push yourself when you don't feel good, all the things you have to do you should do and of course there are some things that you should do. However, I urge you to to follow your bliss to do those things that fill you up because that will support you.

Trust your gut, have faith that a higher power is directing your life. Believe, allow your life decisions to be dictated by what opens your heart and by what brings you joy, relax, be patient, follow your bliss, your life is divinely guided.

All is going according to a wonderful plan for your life. Be confident that all is well the sacred traveler wants you to know sometimes you can't see the road ahead, but when you become still you can feel the right way to go. It's like navigating by the stars. You might not be able to see every detail of the path for your life.

But when you trust the light of the stars, your silent spirit guardians and the joy of your guiding. But when you trust the light of the stars, your silent spirit spirit guardians and the joy of your guiding north star to navigate in the darkness in the morning light, you find yourself at the right place at the right time.

This is the sacred travelers oracle deck for so long. We have ignored our bliss in our joys because that's what we were taught to as a society, nothing against you, everything against society. And so this is might feel foreign to do that, it might feel scary, you might have all these other things you have to do and it's like I don't have time to follow my bliss and my joy, but at this moment where you are right now or life feels really hard.

I really encourage and also hope that you can follow something that lights you up even if it's just five minutes a day coloring. Being outside, follow your bliss so so lovely. I hope I see you next month again. Also if you're watching the recording of this like energy knows no time or space like you can watch this receive the energy whenever you need.

And if you'd like to work with me one on one of my books are currently getting very, very full. I have maybe just like a handful of appointments, uh, for the rest of 2020, but I have things coming out for the holidays that I'm really excited about. So stay tuned.

Subscribe to my newsletter link in all the bios below and I will see you soon. Bye friends.


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