Fall: The Season of Letting Go

energy with ryan: fall the season of letting go; how to connect to the energetics of fall

Fall is the season of letting go, of releasing.

During fall, your energy moves inward, shedding the expansion that spring and summer brought.

It reminds us that life is a cycle and producing and achieving aren’t the only focus.

And for me, that’s a much needed break and reminder.

Some big themes of fall are:

  • change

  • boundaries

  • releasing, letting go

  • preservation

  • gratitude

  • honoring ancestors

Let’s get some different perspectives of fall.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, fall correlates to the metal element. The organs of metal are lungs, skin, and large intestines. And the emotion is grief. 

Metal is all about letting go. A period of turning inward and releasing what is no longer needed. Imbalanced, metal can cause difficulty expressing oneself, weak boundaries, and numbness.

With the archetypes of the seasons, fall is the priestess or the queen.

The priestess/queen is a leader. She is the natural evolution of what came before her. Spring is maiden energy; fresh and youthful energy. Summer is lover/mother energy; birthing new life and nurturing it.

The queen has matured from the mother, realizing she can’t do everything. Because of this, the queen sets boundaries; she prioritizes herself and her needs. She knows how to say no. She understands the power of transmutation, the necessity of releasing and letting go so she can birth something new later. 

And that’s exactly what fall is.

Fall is here to support our transformation by giving us space to release and let go.

And perhaps my favorite subtle message about fall is that it teaches us that darkness is not something we need to fear and that change is inevitable.

Fall Practices

🍁 Send extra energy and love to your lungs, skin, and large intestines this season.

🍁 Shake and move your body with the intention of releasing things you no longer need. 

🍁 Give thanks to the land and learn which Indigenous land you are living on. 

🍁 Spend extra time caring for you skin this season. Use luxurious creams and oils and massage them into your entire body, telling each body part that you’re proud of it.

🍁 Nest a little and create a comfy, cozy space for yourself for the darker nights. Add twinkle lights. Candles. Grounding smells. 

🍁 Take a few breathwork classes or watch YouTube videos.

🍁 Connect to your ancestors and remember who came before you. Display favorite photos of your passed loved ones or create an altar for them.

🍁 Host a bonfire and invite your loved ones. Celebrate being together.

🍁 Pay attention to the trees. Do their leaves change? Do they lose their leaves quickly or slowly? What colors do they turn and when?

🍁 Allow yourself the time and space during your week to grieve if you need to. Give yourself a special treat for doing so.

🍁 Carve a pumpkin with a symbol of abundance or protection. 

Fall Affirmations

➡ I allow myself to release and let go of what doesn’t serve me. 
➡ I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am. 
➡ I give myself permission to fill up my own cup first. 

A Fall message from tarot

Deck is The Herbcrafter’s Tarot

The Hierophant — Cacao; reversed.
Awakening — Tulsi.

Fall brings an awakening for you.

Perhaps it’s an awakening to your own powerful wisdom. Or that you have everything you need inside of you. Or that you are your own healer and you no longer need to follow someone else’s path.

Whatever the case, this awakening is opening you up to a next level of your purpose.

Allow yourself to keep an open mind.

Also, these plants are here to remind you to bring ceremony into your every day.

Cacao is a sacred, heart opening plant and has been used by many indigenous people for healing and in ceremonies. Tulsi is another sacred plant, especially in Hindu belief, and goes by the name “holy basil”.

Create your own “mundane” sacred practice — a simple one that brings presence and ceremony to your day.

Maybe it’s a journaling routine or a special drink you fix yourself or a 3 minute grounding exercise on the grass.

Whatever it is, it’s there to help support your awakening and connect to your own sacred self.

Loved learning about the energetics of the season and want to connect more to them? Check out Sunday Nourish Club — a 6 month energy healing membership for those ready to step into a life of nourishment, connection, and flow by living in tune with nature and her rhythms.

Doors close Sept 20.

PS: Sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter, The Energy Current.

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