7 Ways to Manifest with the Lion’s Gate Portal


PS: While this post is about the Lion’s Gate portal, these manifestation tips and energy healing can be used anytime.

According to some modern astrologists, the Lion’s Gate Portal is a potent astrological phenomenon when the sun and Sirus align with Orion’s belt.

It’s 16-ish supercharged days that’s here to propel your spiritual and personal growth.

To me, I love a good angel number day, especially during fire szn (double sag representing) and always feel lit up and excited during this time.

If you’re also feeling called to do some magic, now is a perfect time to break out those manifestation rituals.

And here is what I’m doing with this extra energetic boost!

*I think it’s important to note whenever I’m talking about manifestation, that there are real barriers (ableism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, etc…) in place that keep folks — specifically marginalized folks — from success. Journaling, gratitude lists, and all other manifestation practices cannot overrule the systems that oppress folks.

7 Ways to Manifest with the Lion’s Gate Portal

1) List all the ways it’s easy for you to be successful in your ventures. 

Think of all the ways you’ve succeed in the past. All the skills you have. The obstacles you’ve overcome, the miracles you’ve witnessed. Now look at this list in awe. You’re amazing and capable of everything you set your mind to and dream.

2) Think of the big picture of what you want your life to be.

Think BIG. Dream big. Shoot for the stars. And focus on the things that bring you the most joy. What does it feel it? How can you dream even bigger?

3) Write down your dreams.

All the things you want, even if they don’t make sense or contradict each other. Feel inspired by your dreams. Opportunities are limitless for you. Anything is possible.

4) Call in your desires.

Take a bay leaf, a mint leaf, a piece of paper, and write down a big dream. Now light that sucker on fire —safely — it’s Leo szn, after all/ Let it burn. Release it to the universe. And know that it’s already yours because it is.

5) Let go of the fear.

Why not you? Why not YOU? You deserve to have your desires. “I am choosing to live a life of my wildest dreams.” Write that down. Say it out loud to yourself every morning, every night. If you find this challenging, call upon the magic of leo szn to allow you to see your own worth and courage.

6) Work your archetype.

Your dream life is but an archetype away. Pick a character that inspires you, empowers you, gets you closer to your dreams, etc… And then embody that character. Now bask in the courage and bravery of yourself. And ask yourself what’s the next step they would take to take you one step closer to your dreams. And then the next step, and then the next. You will be led to exactly where you need to go. Trust.

7) Get an extra boost from energy

Energy healing is my favorite secret sauce for everything, especially manifesting. And that’s because it releases blocks or traumas; reprograms the subconscious; supports the wellbeing of your mind, body, and soul; allows you to call in your dream life; and so much more. You can try it out for yourself with the energy healing below.

Energy Healing for Limitless Potential + Manifestation

This was an energy healing all about releasing the things blocking us from our dreams and experiencing our limitless future. Plus we did some energetic manifestation work!

Check it out below!

PS: Are you looking to explore what your dream life looks and feels like?

Don't forget about the Soul Star Energy Booster in the SHOP.
It's an energy healing to connect you to your soul's purpose and integrate that into your body. Perfect prep work for the next two weeks and for any new moon in the future!


Energy Healing: Releasing the Emotional Upheaval


Energy Healing: Awaken Your Intuition