Energy Healing: Awaken Your Intuition

energy healing to connect to intuition, awaken intuition, open intuition, reiki, integrated energy therapy, @energy with ryan

To release fear, increase connection, & create space for your intuition

Transcript Below

You were born an intuitive being.

And then society taught you that it’s not something to trust or that it was wrong or that it didn’t make ‘sense’.

In this healing, we released fear — current, past life, and ancestral — around our intuition, increased our connection and awareness to it, and created space to tap in.

You hold the keys to open the door to your own magic of the intuition. You have everything you need inside of you. Trust that.

And don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to connect. It’s a muscle and the more your practice and trust, the easier it gets.

PS: This is from August 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

Sign up HERE to be alerted to the next CET and other free energy healing events.

*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to community energy Thursday. It is me Ryan with energy with Ryan and today we're going to work with intuition.

We are going to help connect to it, help release any blocks, help awaken it. If, if that's something you need perfect for beginners on this intuition journey in those further along, there's always something good in community energy, Thursdays for you.

As a reminder, I'm not a doctor. This is entertainment, and please take healing and your own journey and, and take responsibility for that.

For sure. Anything else to say? I'm a big fan of the intuition. I think in our society, it gets beaten down a lot.

People don't trust it. There's no like scientific data of those gut feelings when you're, when you're in the moment and you can start to distrust it.

You can learn that it's not, not something to trust. And so we're going to release these beliefs. We're going to see how we can to foster it.

So let's begin. I'm going to wrap us all in a bubble of light. It does not matter the color you pick the color and that which only serves your highest and greatest, good divine order and the love and safety for all can come through this bubble.

And first we think the earth rethink the earth for being with us. So many resources for sustaining our lives. And we thank those who have stewarded land for so many generations past present and future and the land we're on.

Now. We're very grateful for that. Thank you. And we're grateful for our spirit team for watching over us, for guiding us, for protecting us, for giving us messages.

And this includes angels ancestors, beloved past ones. Any animals that might have passed are still with you. Any master healers, spirit guides.

And we just asked both the earth and for our spirit team to watch over us today, to help us connect to our intuition in a way that is best for you and your body complete gentle and help awaken it in a way that's right for you.

And just watch us over this energy healing and help us receive any messages we need to receive. And we're just going to thank our intuition real quick.

Like thank you for, for being here. We might not have listened to a lot. We might have a lot of trust in you wherever you are on your journey.

Just think your intuition for being, for being there And for guiding us through the session as well. Okay, I'm going to connect to your energy and now it's a great time to set your own intention.

You can set your own boundaries. You can maybe talk to your intuition. You can be like, this is how I want my intuition to feel.

Maybe you're just like, this is the life that I assume I want to live. And this is how I want to interact with my intuition, whatever.

Just now is the perfect time for your own intentions. Okay. As a reminder, if you're new, I make pain faces.

I'm okay. It's me transmuting the energy. I also burp yawn. Sigh. You, you can do the same. Your stomach can grumble your, you can get a flush of heat, a flush of coal.

This is all energy just moving and releasing. We're just releasing everything that needs to go right now. Yes. We're first going to start in the kidneys.

No, just in fear. Yes. With the idea of fear and releasing that for the body around the intuition and it doesn't even need to be your fear.

Remember that if this is something you believe, I believe it. You don't have to that. We carry the trauma and stress and the, and just energy from our ancestors, from past lives.

And during these ancestor past and past lives, there have been witch hunts. There have been there's been a lot of fear around having other folks think that you're a spiritual, intuitive person.

So we're just going to release that fear because that's not the case now. And if there are some cases of where people don't, aren't friendly to intuitive spiritual folk <inaudible> But for the most part, we, you were safe with your intuition, with your magic, with your energy, and we're letting the body know that it can.

And the intuition now that it can, it can shift on and off. If it's not in a safe place for you, or if you don't feel safe sharing it with, with folks, like you can tell your intuition, like, Hey, like let's pause it.

So you get to have these waves of showing it, of expressing it. It doesn't always need to be hidden in this time.

Oh, Releasing from the solar plexus we're done with the fear. This feels more like I don't have it in me.

It's too hard. I don't have confidence in myself. I don't know if what I'm listening to is my gut feeling.

And that's very valid. A lot of us have anxiety. I have anxiety. And what I like to imagine is when I get an intuitive hit, it is calm.

Even if it's in a scary situation. For example, I was abroad walking to my apartment late at night, one night, and it was a very safe place.

And all of a sudden I saw someone walking in the same area as me, but it was dark. It was late.

And I just had the hit, the intuitive hit to leave and to go somewhere else and get a taxi to take home.

But I, it wasn't a fearful it wasn't, it was just like, okay, this is something I need to do. If it was anxiety can be more fluttery, not knowing which, which what to do it.

It can change often. And it's just a muscle you have to build. And, and if your intuition is telling you something that doesn't feel safe, you do not have to act on it, right.

Then like you need to build trust in it. I'm trusting yourself and you can do those with smaller, smaller things.

Okay. Solar plexus feels better. The goal here is to always add more ease into your life. Not add more stress.

Is that good? Yes. Okay. Heart, no throat. Yes. Right now. No. Okay. So now we're going to work on our third eye And we're just releasing any blocks here.

And I remember we're releasing any blocks that your body is willing to release right now in a gentle, complete way.

Okay. And we're going to imprint love, or we're going to imprint awareness. There's this? What is this? I'm feeling like a connection between you, you and your third eye We're going to imprint trust.

And this idea, I always say, you only need to open the door 1% to, to create change, to, to see something else.

And so let's, if you're you're on the fence about this, you're curious. We only need to open the door 1% to trusting your intuition, to allowing us to see it.

If you're further along on your journey, open it up a hundred percent, whatever feels right for you. What we are creating Ms.

Door, this little opening that helps you shift that helps you change in a way that's soft and gentle And maybe we can even ask our guides like, Hey, give us a sign, a message today to help us know that our intuition is there, that we are connecting with it.

Okay. That feels good. Yes.  Okay. We are going to release releasing. Yes. We're releasing anything. That's in our space. I do find it easier to listen to my intuition when I have more mental space and in our society We have a lot.

Hmm. We have a lot of mental noise. It's just no shame there. That's just how it is right now. It doesn't need to be, but I shrugged for those listening in.

And so I'm just giving us the option of having more mental clarity, mental space. I'm going, I, should I be going to take a vacuum and vacuum up all these things that are ready to go This is something you can do at home with, with your own energy healing, which you, you can do.

I, we all have the ability to do energy work. And so what we're doing is we're just creating this energetic space.

What I felt was everything was really closed in and we were just giving ourselves a big enough bubble. And then I'm going to create a very solid bubble.

And this allows us to capture our own energy, capture our own protection, our own bubble. And it gives us more space, gives us more stillness to listen, to be able to listen because before everything was like on us, and maybe that's a practice you do to help you connect to your intuition as, okay.

First, let me create my intuition bubble. Huh? Okay. So many people feel their intuition in a different spot. Some people get real gut like gut feelings.

I hear mine. Mine feels more in my head. And so we are just connecting our third eye, our mind's eye to our gut, our stomach.

You can put your hand one hand on your forehead and the other on your stomach. And so one problem, one challenge.

Some of us have is that we are living. We are not grounded. We're more like top up again, a very common thing in the society.

No shame or judgment. I do this often. So this can help ground as well. I'm going to switch my hands.

Cause that feels good. Good. Good, good. Now let's do something a little fun. See if anything pops up, but we're going to just create a little space to see if we can hear our intuition before we ground, you can put your hand one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

Okay. We're saying intuition. I'm open to hearing you to feeling you maybe make yourself known in your, in my body where I can, I can trust this feeling.

Send me messages, send me signs and me voices. If you feel safe enough to, to hear voices, Also no stress.

If you, if you can't connect and do not feel bad about yourself, do do not stress it, it will come again.

It is like a muscle I'm seeing. I see a lot of visions, like a lot of pictures, as well as sometimes hearing things and what I'm seeing as a key.

And some of you maybe need to take that key and open your own door. Like you physically do that through visualization.

You have the key is what I hear. You're ha you have it now. And again, you can close the door if it feels uncomfy later on I think maybe for some of us, for some watching, you have a very powerful intuition and it can be intimidating and scary to the thought of it can be intimidating, scary to open up this big door and have all these things come out and just tell yourself, tell your spirit team, tell your intuition.

Like, I only want what I can handle. I want less than what I can handle. I do not want to be overwhelmed.

And if, if things do feel overwhelming, take a pause, close that door and like come back to it whenever or never.

Very good. Yes. There's no. Okay. Let's ground. First of all, integrate. Oh my please let me know if things pop up.

If things, if you see images, if you start to be able to talk to your intuition, that'd be so cool to hear your stories.

Okay? You can start rubbing your legs, bring some heat there. And once you to see a bright red light at the base of your spine And it gets bigger, it overflows your pelvis.

It overflows into your legs, down your knees, down your legs and the upper thighs, knees and legs. And then it pools in your feet and then your feet open up.

And then two big roots come down from your feet, going straight into the middle of the earth. Again, this is a good practice you can do before trying to listen to your intuition.

I ground multiple times a day. And then we're going to wrap you up in a bubble of light. And this is your protection bubble.

And you can imagine angels a tree, a spirit team, whoever, if you'd like hugging this bubble, okay. We thank the earth.

We thank our spirit team for being with us. We think we're so thankful for this energy healing. I'm going to release your energy back to you.

Pull my energy back to me. Okay? Our connection is cut for now, take a deep breath and then side out at the end with me.

How do you feel? We really did a lot of prep work to help connect you to your intuition. We helped open it.

We helped give you space to hear it. I'm excited to see what pops up from this And let's pull a card.

This is from my friend's deck, epic bones, affirmation deck. She illustrated it all herself. Very impressive. So if you're looking for ways to work with me, my books are now open for one-on-ones.

And I have a membership called Sunday nourish club, which is all about giving yourself the, the energy healing you need, the support you need, the nourishment you need for life, according to the seasons.

And it's two energy healings a month, and we're about to open the doors again for the fall and winter cohort.

And then I also have downloadable prerecorded energy healings in my shop. If you want energy healing like this at any moment.

And there's some cool freebies on my website, which is Lincoln bio. If you're, if you're interested. So we're asking a message about our intuition.

Okay. The first on the question on the back of the deck is how can I stay curious? And then the prompt is I am seeing something new and I love how she is looking through this forest perhaps before she was not able to see the magic there.

I love that I am seeing something now. So trust, trust that you're seeing something new, you're experiencing something new. What a cool card to get.

Remember to keep asking yourself, how can I stay curious? Think about ways to work with your intuition. Maybe talk to it, meditate to visualize with it.

I like to journal with mine. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. And I will see you next community energy, Thursdays, which are the first Thursday of the month.


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