Energy Healing: Releasing the Emotional Upheaval


To release emotions that you no longer need to carry

Transcript Below

Energy healing for emotional upheaval.

As human beings, we experience so many emotions. And most of us were taught by society to push them down or ignore them or that they're unproductive, etc..

And sometimes they get stuck in our body and can cause us excess stress.

So in honor of virgo szn, we “cleaned house” — we released the blockages that were ready to go, including grief, anger, resentment, worry, and guilt.

You no longer need to carry them.

PS: This is from September 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

Sign up HERE to be alerted to the next CET and other free energy healing events.

*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome, welcome everyone. It's Ryan with energy with Ryan and it's community energy Thursday which is the best day of the month. It's where we spend time together we send energy out for the community members for you to help support you and to help you feel better. I'm excited this is every first Thursday of the month, and it's September 1. So what a great time today we are going to be working on releasing emotions that are ready to go like emotional upheaval releasing anxiety, stress, which isn't really emotion, anger, sadness, the things that might be in our bodies that we don't need anymore. Sometimes we can hold on to emotions, or just not we're not able to to express them and they get stuck or we just feel burdened by them. So that's what we're gonna work on today.

If you're new welcome

I am an energy healer and my modality is similar to Reiki it's called integrated energy therapy the unknown cousin and yeah, just sit back relax, you can close your eyes you can be laying down you can be washing your dishes whatever feels right for you.

Let's get started

Can you just kind of feel where you're just feel your body and remember that I'm not a medical doctor. This is not substitute for medical care this is entertainment purposes and also just you know you taking responsibility for your own health your own body


I want you to feel where your body is touching something solid maybe it's the floor maybe it's a chair the bed really feel grounded in that

Okay, first I'm going to wrap us up in a in a blue now pink Yes, a pink bubble of light and that which only serves your most gentlest loving, kindest, healthiest, most joyful, good can in divine order can come through. And then we also thank our spirit team, for always protecting us for guiding us for showing us the way and we think the earth we think the earth for its resources, its beauty, it's our ability to to be here because of Earth. And we think those who have our stewarded the land for so many generations and including the land we're on now. So we just give reverence and respect to the Earth

and we ask the spirit, our spirit team and the earth to be with us while we go through this healing to help us shift what we need to shift at least what we need to release. Integrate what we need to integrate in a way that's again, gentle, complete and right for you in your body, mind and soul.

Okay, now you can set your intention for today. Maybe you know the emotion you want to release. Maybe you just know how you want to feel afterwards. Maybe you just are like I'm open to see what happens. That's okay. So set your intention to yourself, and I'm going to connect to your energy

Okay, I'm in

I was already feeling this while I was connecting. But it just feels like a heaviness like a like a really, really heavy coat. So let's release this coat

just a reminder before we really get into this that the goal of this healing for me, at least for you, is to help release the heaviness to support your body to help you feel lighter. And we're doing that through releasing things. And these are things that are ready to go. However, sometimes this can cause an equilibrium in our body once we release things, a lot of things and you can feel a bit overwhelmed or flooded. And so just take in mind to really care about your aftercare practice really ground talk to a friend or a loved one or maybe pause this and wait until you're in a better space just because it feels good to take care of yourself afterwards to make sure you have that time and space to do so. Okay in the heart Yes First we're working starting with the heart

Okay, already some shifts there

I remember that emotions don't need to make sense. You don't need to connect the dots. Sometimes it's just their time to come up. Sometimes something we don't even realize might trigger it. I'm a big believer in user of traditional Chinese medicine. And in Traditional Chinese Medicine each season connects to an element or each element has a season and each element has a an emotion and so during the season, that emotion really becomes prominent. For example, late summer it's worrying for fall it's grief for winter it's fear for spring it's anger and so you can maybe start to imagine or maybe you can start to feel those emotions during those times of the year

okay, that's good what after the heart

the shields we're gonna do some some heaviness from our shoulders let me know if there's a specific emotion that you're feeling down below

definitely going to touch anger. This is kind of the burden the resentment

If you're new I yawn I burp. It's very common and energy work. You might too you might feel a flush of heat

Okay, is that good? No

Yes okay who has that feels really good

on the shoulder

I also make really pained faces I'm okay

feels good now to the back of the neck

we're just giving all of the things that are ready to be released to the angels to do whatever they like with it to help transmute it. We don't need to to worry too much about that.

Really working on resentment here really feeling it you can put your hands on the back of your neck right now to help support you

is that good? Yes. Okay.

Okay, I'm feeling feeling the anger, let's do it. Holding the liver, it feels hot. And just a reminder, anger is just another emotion. It's really stigmatized in our culture especially for women or non binary folks and I used to be very afraid of anger personally. So we all have different relationships with it. And because I was afraid of it, I was afraid to express it because it felt out of control. I felt out of control excuse me,

Big yawn

I was able to get some practices learned some practices like punching a pillow or like dancing really angrily and just like throwing my anger into like punching the air

yeah, we're just we're gently going to release this anger that we no longer need to hold and I just want to bring up that when we release these energies, these emotions are not releasing the cues behind them. For example, if you are angry about the state of the world, which is very very valid, and like of course you are releasing this anger is not going to make you forget about it. It's going to help you to release this heavy emotion and then hopefully you can connect to something to support the world support your views support What you would like to see also you know this is not we're not doing this to bypass an emotion we are doing this to release it from the body we've already felt it we've already it's ready to go you know what I mean? Okay ANGER Yes every good no Should we keep going? Yes okay

okay yeah there you go angels okay feels good

also going to work on the spleen also hold some anger and resentment if you're watching this live or during you know the late August early September days we are currently in late summer and that is the for traditional Chinese medicine that is the time of the stomach and the spleen

releasing we got to know keep doing

let me know if you're feeling a little bit better we're next going to work with some anxiousness some some worry


a reminder to drink your beverages to especially after energy work you know drink a lot of mineral rich beverages like teas in coconut water and some juices. Okay, good. I'm glad it's releasing. And again, you know this can take up to a few weeks to help integrate the goal here is to move slowly as to not overwhelm your system and so that's kind of our timeline is to gently over the next few weeks do that

okay, now it's time for the anxiousness. I haven't gotten a lot of imagery around these emotions. But for this anxiousness this worry I'm seeing like a little mouse just like chewing like chewing in the stomach so like maybe causing stomach pain I know I get you know really upset stomachs when I when I have a lot of anxiety when I worry

so we're gonna release that wow yeah just continuing to release

when we're releasing and I at my modality we're releasing through the four energetic bodies the physical, the mental, emotional and spiritual.

Well no is that good? Yes Is there anything else yes what else in the head Yes. Okay. So what are we feeling in the head

we don't need to know what we're feeling in our head we're just going to release it I'm kind of getting this idea that we're releasing something in the head to help things like move more freely the top of the head also holds guilt so maybe releasing any of that as well?

Good Yes or No Okay. Anything else? Yes

anything else besides grounding and integrating now Okay, so now we're going to ground and integrate

oh wow, okay.

You can draw figure eights in front of your body that's helpful. I also find for a lot of folks, our upper half and our lower half get dis dissected the right word sounds weird. And so to draw help draw a figure eights from you know going from our top to our bottom can really help integrate those two energy systems

and we're integrating this again slowly and gently let's take a few deep breaths together. Okay, and I want you to sigh it out at the top whatever rates feels good for you breathe in

Okay, before we ground I would like for you to imagine this waterfall just coming over you it's bright white light this is filling up all the spaces we released filling up your your cells with with love with with support with ease and

safety in

what is the word I'm thinking of? Unlike togetherness Imagine if flowing all over you going into each and every cell in your bloodstream it's strong, makes you feel stronger. It makes you feel more grounded and I can't think of the word I'm thinking of but just kind of like whole but that's not the word but just like sturdy.


and you can just see bright white emitting from all of your all of your cells, all of your your body It's just like, Okay. I want you to feel where your body's again touching something solid. Feel how you're supported. Feel how you can sink into that I want you to see a bright red light at the base of your spine and it's warm and it's in it's bright.

It feels so comforting

and it fills your pelvis overflows into your legs so you can feel it, go down your thighs, down your knees down your legs, and it pulls in your feet. So you can see that bright red light filling up your feet and then your feet open up and then two thick roots go deep deep deep into the earth

and then your roots go out in all directions then we're going to wrap you up back up in a bubble flight to strengthen this bubble, this is your protection bubble. And this

is strong and filled with protective light, nourishing light. And you can imagine and angels a tree, your spirit team, maybe an animal that you love wrapping itself around your bubble just to give it that extra protection. Okay now I'm going to disconnect our energy, I'm going to send your energy back to you. So you can call it back to yourself if you'd like. And I'm going to call back my own energy to myself. We think the earth we think the spirit our spirit team for being with us during this healing and helping us to continue to softly and gently integrate this into our mind body and soul. Okay, take one more deep breath with me and let's let it out slowly this time

how do you feel, we really you know, worked on releasing things, motions that were stored deep in your body. So hopefully you feel lighter. Hopefully you feel more grounded and uncentered as well. Okay, I'm going to pull some cards for us or a card


tell you a little bit about what's going on. So if you're watching this live, or within the fall months, my books are still open for one on one. And if you are watching this before September 18, September 20, my membership Sunday nourish club is the doors are open for for registration and it's for the full winter cohort and it's an energy, a group energy healing program that's six months long and it really helps support and nourish your body and all you have to do is receive you get two energy healings a month and it's based on the seasons. I love it so much. And I'm having a free workshop coming up that's going to talk about it and also give you an experience of what it's like as well as learn how to support yourself through the seasons and that is September 11 and invites will go out soon.


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