Energy Healing for When You Are Sick


Energy healing to feel better when you’re sick

Transcript Below

You know the feeling… You’re feeling yucky and exhausted and you’re either about to catch something, recovering, or in the middle of feeling awful — and you want to feel better sooner.

This energy healing gets you back to your vibrant, healthy self by expanding your depleted energy and boosting your ability to fight what’s keeping you down.

This is not just for colds or flus, but can be used anytime you don’t feel good*.

PS: This is from December 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

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*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


So welcome to community energy thursday today we're going to be working on energy healing for when you're feeling sick perhaps are on the cusp of being sick. Maybe even trying to get better from being sick. Maybe it's been a few days and you're still like having that cough and before I start anything I just want to say I'm not a medical doctor, I'm not a therapist.

You know, please go to the doctor, get the medical help you need. This is this is something else, right? This is energy work. You know, please take your antibiotics, take your covid test everything. But there's been a lot of stuff going on. There's a lot of illness, there's a lot of just stuff in the air. And so this energy healing is to really support your energy when you're not feeling good because we get depleted by illness, we get exhausted and our energy gets weaker and so we're going to really boost that with this energy healing.

So yeah, let's get started. If you're new to this. Hello, I'm ryan with energy with ryan mhm. And my healing modality is called integrative energy therapy which is similar to ricky, the unknown cousin of ricky. I like to say we use angelic energy. So really feel where you are sitting, feel where feel where you're being supported.

Perhaps you can put your hands on your body and feel that first we're going to wrap us in a bubble of light pink bubble. No, blue, a blue bubble also whatever bubble feels good to you bubble of light and that which only serves your healthiest, most joyful softest, kindest uh most highest and loving good in divine law and order can come through this bubble and first we thank the earth, we thank the earth for being here and supporting us and for those who have stewarded the land for so many generations, we give so much thanks to the land we're on now and to those who have stewarded that land and we thank our spirit team, our beloved past ones, our beloved ancestors, beloved animals are healers or master healers and guides.

Our angels are spirit team members are spirit uh spirit guides. Just thank them for all they do for watching over you for guiding you. Even if we don't even realize it and now we're going to ask the earth and our spirit team to be with us now to help us shift what we need to shift release what we need to release, integrate what we need to uh integrate and feel better in a way that's right for your body, your mind, your spirit in a complete way, in a gentle way, in a soft way.

Okay so now I'm going to connect your energy and it would be a great time to set your own intention for today. Maybe you have a certain like symptom that you want to send energy to or maybe it's just like a general like how you want to feel afterwards. Just think it, you can even say it out loud.

Okay I am in the first thing we're gonna do is really expand your energy. It is um, with angelic love, it's feeling a little weak, very, very normal. And I want you to imagine going to this beautiful place in nature. Um imagine a waterfall, a gentle waterfall and this waterfall is filled with divine.

Like angelic love. It's gold. It's you maybe white energy, maybe it's red or green, whatever color works for you and just wash it wash over you. You can imagine kind of like showering in this in this flow of energy and it's getting into the crevices of where maybe there's some like dampened energy.

We're just letting it really go all over your body, releasing whatever doesn't serve you. If anything feels heavy. If anything feels kind of icky or sticky or damp or maybe you see like a shadow, we're just going to release that and give it to the angels to transmute how they'd like, okay, things feel a little bit brighter.

We're going to quickly, just go run through your chakras and send energy there. Send intention there to brighten those energy centers and to make them like fortify them and make them stronger. So when I say an energy spot, I want you to just send your intention there. So first the top of the head, you can imagine it like a big ball of light just kind of coming out okay in between your eyes, your third eye, your throat.

We're spent, we're sending some extra love to your throat because that can be a spot that it doesn't feel so good when we're sick sometimes. Okay, our heart, okay now to our solar plexus under our chest or under our ribs. And again, we're just sending, we're sending our intention there and we're imagining bright balls of light strengthening these chakra centers.

Okay now our sacral below our belly button and if you yawn or burp or, you know, get goose bumps, feel a flush of heat, your stomach grumbles or growls. Those are all just physical reactions of energy in your body. So don't be alarmed.

Mm okay, and now the root at the base of your spine. Mhm oh, oh, that feels so much better. Oh man, okay, so our energy is is fuller less depleted. You know, still get the rest, you need still, you know, prioritize that.

And now we're just going to send energy to the parts of your body, the internal parts that are fighting whatever is going on. And this is a very individual process. You know, some folks need to maybe ramp up their immune system. Some folks might need to decrease it.

So we're just setting the intention to help give, receive the energy that your body needs, your individual body needs right now in this moment to help support its most loving, healthiest, vibrant self, you know, full of vitality and just for our subconscious to know that we, you know, are we swing like a pendulum, you know, super healthy, maybe not so healthy and so we're trying to find a good balance here with our bodies and its health and how I'm envisioning this is there's a bright light in our body.

Just do whatever it needs. We've called on the master healers uh that watch over us and we're just with the intention of again vibrant health full of vitality, allowing them to shift and heal and integrate what needs to what needs to happen in that soft, gentle way.

Yeah, you can focus on your breath, you can imagine these bright lights, you can hold your intention in your mind and keep repeating it. You can use this time as almost like a meditation, I'm not sure about you, but I was on the fringe of the fringe of getting getting sick and right now I just feel it's almost like I feel more alive inside.

Like my body is like, okay let's let's do some rearranging, let's like I even feel like I look more vibrant, just like get get back to to feeling better fighting what we need to fight, you know, supporting our bodies, okay, we're going to let that continue going on in the background, we're gonna ask the master healers to just continue to support our vitality while that's going on in the background, we are going to work on the discomforts we feel right now.

So perhaps, you know, congestion, itchy throat, stomach issues, whatever it is. Just imagine those places on your body that just feel sick and we're going to send energy there.

If it's helpful, you can imagine me. So just a reminder. This is never my energy that I'm sending out. I am being a channel. So I'm accepting angelic energy. It's coming through me and then I'm using that to support your energy. So you can imagine me sending a beam of light to you and then you can direct this beam of light to where you want it to go.

You can like see it at your head if you're having like head congestion e stuff again, wherever you need it to go. Just imagine it going to those places. Yeah. And I'm also feeling like I need to say this is for anything like teeth pain. I'm seeing like teeth in my head um this can support that as well.

Uh a bruise, a cut. You know, it doesn't need to be an illness. Just something that doesn't feel great right now. We're asking this energy to help lessen the discomfort too. Bring bring about more softness and an ease to the body.

Mhm. Okay, we're gonna do something fun now. I'm excited about this. I want you to imagine your healthy self. You're healthier self. Perhaps it's how you felt. You know, 10 days ago. Perhaps it's a version of yourself that you haven't experienced in a while or ever. I want you to imagine it and this version of you doesn't have that snuffy nose that those pains, whatever it is that you're feeling, they are vibrant and feeling good.

And then I want you to hug that version of you. I want you to bring it into your chest and hug that healthy version of yourself and let their energy, they're good. They're like feeling goodness uh integrate into your body. And if it's challenging to hug them into your body, keep practicing, don't beat yourself up.

I always say this is a muscle and you just really have to do you believe that it's possible to believe that you know, you can feel good and perhaps if it is challenging, maybe see yourself in in in a different way. Maybe feel it in a different way and see if that's easier. Maybe we don't have the time for it today. But something to think about is maybe you can ask this this version of you, like how can I keep supporting my health right now.

Like what is there? Is there something I need? Can you share some sort of tip to make me feel better and just listen, we'll do that for a few seconds. But you can always do that longer on your own time when you're meditating, you can do all of this on your own time. You have the magic.

You you are completely capable. I'm hearing again. Energy knows no time or space. So you can watch this any time you need. But I'm hearing someone's healthy version of themselves whisper, you need to eat something green. So if that resonates, maybe try to eat a salad or a green bean, whatever feels good.

Okay, very good. Yes, okay. We are going to start grounding now and you know, set the intention to keep this energy flow going in your body. As long as it feels good, you can also set the intention that you've had enough and you don't need anymore.

Start taking a few like start deepening your breath, feel your stomach extend outward, release your jaw and your pelvic floor. Perhaps you were holding them tightly. I want you to imagine a bright light, whatever color works for you at the base of your spine, it's warm this light and it's very bright perhaps you know below your waist, everything is starting to feel a little bit warmer from this light and this light starts to overflow and fill your pelvis.

It pulls down your legs, filling your thighs, your knees, your ankles, your feet and then your feet open up into thick roots go down down, down deep into the center of the earth. If you're having a hard time, I always like to ask the trees for help and see if their roots can help bring my roots down.

Okay? And then your roots go out in all directions for miles. Really just grounding you, securing you in in in the center of the earth in that earth, that earth energy, okay, we're going to wrap you up in a protective bubble and we're going to fill this bubble again.

You can imagine it just like a bright white light filling this bubble and then we're going to call on your spirit team and the earth to protect this bubble. You can imagine your angels or your ancestors wrapping their arms around this bubble to protect you. Keep your vitality and your vibrancy strong and and fortified.

Okay, let's take two deep breaths and I'd like for you to sigh at the end of it. So breathe in another one. Okay, I'm going to thank the earth. We're going to thank our spirit team. Thank you for continuing to help us feel better to support our bodies, to support our energy and to please continue doing so and watch over us as as we go on, I'm going to disconnect our energy, send your energy back to you.

I'm going to call back my own energy to myself. Okay, how do you feel? Oh, that was that was very much needed for myself. I am going to pull a card. This is the sacred traveler oracle deck, one of my favorites since I am a multi multi sagittarius.

Okay, what's a message for ourselves from our, from our healthy self know just from the universe. Yes. Just a message from the universe to ourselves, yep, that one really popped out. Aw joy and delight. Open your heart to joy. I know it, I'm going to get a little emotional, you know, sometimes when we're sick, when we don't feel good, it's hard to feel joy, you just feel so discouraged and and things feel heavy and things are harder.

And, you know, you still have to like support yourself and live and do all these things, and so many of us don't have the ability to, you know, take sick days and and you know, take time off and so it gets heavy and so what I'm really getting from this, and I will read it is, you know, is there a way that we can tap into just a little bit of joy?

Because I do believe that helps lighten our load, brightens our spirits and our energy joy, where does j come in in the alphabet? Okay, this is good. You do not need to suffer to grow. You can grow leaps and bounds through joy. True happiness comes from following the dictates of your soul.

Do what gives you joy celebrate and have fun, stop and embrace life yourself and others say yes, take steps to today. To expand your joy. You don't need to do it all at once, but you do need to start your purpose in life is to experience joy, allow joy and ecstasy to flow through you wildly and freely share your love.

Happiness spreads to others like wildfire and can help heal the world. The sacred traveler wants you to know that the sacred traveler knows that it's not just about reaching the destination, it's about the joy of the journey. The traveler stops periodically to savor the simple pleasures of the voyage. If you do not know your bliss, if you don't follow your bliss now, when will you, if you've been waiting until circumstances are different before you experience true happiness, you may have a long wait.

I'm gonna repeat that. If you've been waiting until circumstances are different before you experience true happiness. You may have a long wait. It's simple when you focus on the areas of your life that bring you joy. These areas will prosper. One of the fastest path to happiness is through sharing and giving.

So give of your heart and follow your bliss. Joy is your spiritual birthright. It's so beautiful. And a reminder, joy doesn't have to be going to disney world like that's that's a lot of energy. And if you don't feel good, it's not gonna happen. So what can do you do now to feel that joy and delight?

How can you support that? Even when you don't feel good, it can be small, it can be a really nice cup of tea. Um so good, so friends. I hope you feel better. I hope this helps bring some support and healthiness into your life.

Please watch it as many times as you need.


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