Energy Healing: Befriending Your Body


For giving your body love, forgiveness, and support

Transcript Below

How do you befriend your body after so many years of tension, anxiety, fear, societal mistruths, and so much more?

Through baby steps. Through being gentle.

And that’s what this energy healing is… gentle baby steps that’s basically a big supportive hug to the body.

We re-introduced ourselves to our bodies, said apologies to our bodies, and gave it an overflow of love and support.

Plus we released any anxiety, stress, and tension that was ready to go.

PS: This is from July 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

Sign up HERE to be alerted to the next CET and other free energy healing events.

*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome everyone. It is me Ryan with energy with Ryan. And if you don't know, I'm an energy healer and intuitive, and I help folks get unstuck, return them to their juicy centered lives.

And help empower themselves through energy work through, I don't know, magic almost. I'm so excited that you're here. It is community energy Thursday, and that is the first Thursday of every month.

So please come. And it's all about giving back to the community, making energy healing and healing in general accessible community-based community orientated because that's who we are as people.

Thank you friend. Today. We're going to be working on trusting your body with health, with safety, there might be some tears.

I am someone who has a long history of like chronic illness, not feeling very safe in my body, not trusting my body.

And so that's what we're going to work on. As a reminder, if you know things feel heavy while we're working on this, please take a break.

I am not a medical professional, and this is all entertainment, right? And you know, it's very important that we take our own discernment into healing and we take responsibility for our, for our own health and how we are feeling in that moment.

So if you need space, take it. If this doesn't feel like the right energy healing for you right now, that's okay.

Please be gentle with yourself. Good morning. Okay. I took notes. So if you see me reading, that's why I think this is a really powerful energy healing, and we're going to go through notes, but we're also going to receive the downloads and see what we need to work with.

Okay. I think that's it. I'm so glad you're here. So I just want you to feel where your body is touching something solid, take some deep breaths with me.

Okay. We're wrapping us up in a big bubble of light. What color should it be today? Green. Yes. And I'm wearing a green shirt, a green bubble light, which is a heart colored.

And that which only serves your highest and greatest good, your highest joy, your highest love, your highest health and divine law and order can come through.

So we're setting this boundary. You can set your own boundaries as well. And then we thank the earth for all of its blessings, for its resources, for its beauty, for its support.

We thank those who have stewarded the land, our land that we're currently on for so many generations. And we think our spirit team for being with us, for showing us the way guiding us, protecting us.

And that includes our angels, spirit guides, beloved past ones, master healers, and any other entities that you believe in that you want to bring with you and thing.

And then we ask both the earth and our spirit team to be with us during this healing to help us heal, shift, release, feel brighter, feel more connected, feel safer in our bodies, love our bodies in a gentle way, in a complete way.

I felt good in a way with ease, enjoying that's right for your particular body. Okay, I'm going to connect to our energy.

So please set your own intention of how you want to feel afterwards. Maybe, you know, something specifically that you want to work on with this healing, if not, no worries, no worries at all.

I think I'm going to be moving around a lot in this energy healing and you can as well, that really helps release stuff in the body.

It also helps our body feel a little bit safer. And what I mean by safe is our nervous system feel safe.

We feel secure, rooted, grounded in our bodies. If you're new to work, hello and welcome. This can work past present.

And the future you can be watching our recording. Energy knows no time or space. We might feel flushed with heat.

Some sadness I make really pained faces, but I'll be okay. I also burb, it's not my favorite thing, but it happens.

I was actually never a Berber until I got really into energy healing. And now it's like all the time. I'm just holding space.

You can put your hands on your body, your heart and your stomach. If that feels good And we're telling the body that we're here, we're here right now are sitting in silence for the body.

We are, we have the intention to be here to be friend the body I'm seeing that's how we're going to start.

So I want you to imagine that you're introducing yourself to your body for the first time. You're like, hi, welcome.

I love you. You're so great. I've seen all your work You can imagine hugging yourself. Maybe saying some gratitudes to your body.

Maybe if you feel comfortable and safe to do so to apologize and to say, sorry, I'm sure we all have very complicated relationships with our bodies, especially growing up in the nineties and the two thousands, there were a lot of societal b******t that really tainted in hurt our bodies and like beliefs her, our bodies, trying to assimilate and, and be quote unquote, normal, among many other things.

And so I just went to say here that it's not your fault. We, our goal as a kid, our goal was to never hate ourselves to, to not feel safe in our bodies.

But this is definitely something that was learned again, through society, through generational trauma, through our parents, through I'm getting a big one that I need to mention is even moving to a different country, maybe being immigrants and being seen as different or the things about you being different and therefore strange or weird that can have a lot of pain when we were little.

And even now to be seen that way. And that's not true. Well, just growing up in a marginalized body, disabled body We have something shifting It's very gentle.

It just feels like little things, kind of like releasing, but they're, they're deep. They're things that we've been carrying for a long time and might not even be ours.

They could be a past life generational Perhaps you're coming to this with, how do I want to phrase this a body that might not be as healthy as you'd like maybe chronic illness is very, a big part of your life.

Maybe some other sort of illness. That was almost for me, maybe for you too. Again, we're just hugging the body, loving the body, giving it a little space You can actually hug yourself right now.

That feels really good. And I'd also, you can imagine this or not just be wherever you are, but we are going to take our heart energy and we're going to get it expansive.

Really let it pour out of our art chest or heart space. And then it's going to really cover our bodies.

So you can imagine this green bubble, you can imagine red or pink at that. If you connect to that more, and this energy is specifically to wrap around your body to give it some extra love.

Just some gentle shifting the goal here is very gentle there with the, what I like to say is can we ship something 1% 0.05%.

That's enough to, to feel a change, to feel different and to still to not have nervous system go wacky. I was, I am someone and I have a history of going hardcore, full press nonstop.

If a little healing is good, then a lot was a lot better. And not just honestly really dysregulated my nervous system made me feel more unsafe in my body, stressed me the hell out.

And it wasn't good for me. It wasn't, it wasn't good for my body. And so I'm really into gentle. My modality specifically is integrated energy therapy, IET very unknown cousin to Reiki, and it is known for being gentle.

It is angelic energy And that feels really good. Let me know how you're feeling too. Let me know if things are coming up Oh, is that good?

Yes. I want us to maybe think about some anxiety that we have around our bodies. Is there a way we can release some of that?

I've had to do a lot of work on I'm. I'm a sensitive person. I can feel a lot of different things in my body.

And so when I could feel a twinge that was different than normal, that put me on alert, what was wrong, searching for what was wrong, searching for how I can support myself and fix that.

But like bodies, twinge. And I've had to trust myself that like, if something is wrong, I am going, I like, I will know it.

That's what I tell myself, but I don't need to stress about every little twinge because my body wants to communicate with me.

And if something is really wrong, then I will know it's not something I need to search for if that makes sense.

But maybe you have a different anxiety. I'm really feeling it in the solar plexus. So we're just going to hold space here.

So what I'm doing is I'm releasing anything that needs to go. Anything we don't need through the four energetic bodies, the physical, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Oh, lots of yawning. Okay. Now we're imprinting some good love and some support and some empowerment into the solar plexus.

Yes. So I'm feeling in our stomach, which holds worry. I can hold worry an IET. I'm sharing this story because it's a little funny before COVID I was feeling great.

Like before 2020, I was like, you know, I think I've really healed all I could heal with my body and my health anxiety and all these other things.

So like we're good. And then 2020 hit. And it was like, okay, we're gonna, we're going to bring some more things up.

We are going to really shake your foundations with so many, so many around the body. And that's what healing is.

There's never done. There's always just a continual learning and unlearning, which is why, again, I'm a proponent of going jet gent, gently to not really, I don't believe we need to search out things to, to heal.

They'll come up when we need to. And that we need to balance shadow work with joy work. Whew. Releasing from our stomachs.

Hopefully feel a little less worry. A little less anxiety. Yes. So I'm actually just going to take a vacuum. My figurative vacuum cleaner, my imaginary visual visualized, and just try to SOP up any, anything we need to release anything that's ready to go And if you're still here with me and you'd like to imagine or visualize, please imagine like loving energy around your stomach and said, you're saying that we're working on this stomach because that's worried, but it's also where we have been conditioned to not love that part of ourselves.

That sounds really good. Hopefully you a little less conflicted, like a, like a push and pull with your body right now and with your health, if that is what you're here for.

Again, this is a very this is a topic that we all have different beliefs around different histories and, and stresses and traumas on stories enjoys.

Let's let's add that as well. So this is a complicated topic to do energy healing on, but I felt very called to do it.

So hopefully this is a resonating for you complicated, and that this is a group healing, you know, but as I say, I take what you need, but leave the rest.

Now we're just putting love in our stomach areas. Stomach and adrenals are connected and IET. So we're just sending love their support ease.

Oh, wow. The time. Okay. These are 30 minute, little, little mini energy healings, but I might go a little bit over today.

And remember also that like, you know more about your body than I do. You are the, what is the word?

You're the expert on your body, you know, more than the other influencers and what they're saying. So just remember that, okay.

I want you to imagine hugging yourself again, or physically hugging yourself. You can rub your skin. That feels really good and brings you back into your body.

I'm seeing, oh wow. A house. And like our body is our home. That's so beautiful. And that's why I'm seeing.

So hopefully you are one step closer to feeling that way that your body is this beautiful, safe home for you.

And as someone who again was chronically ill for a lot of their life, that was not always the case. So that might not be the case for you as well.

But if we can relieve some stress, some of that tension, that's beautiful. Very good. Yes. And so now we're just going to send a little bit of energy to our bodies, to brighten the immune system, to make it feel more, make your body feel more four to five, just like a bit stronger before we ground.

And today we're just like supporting the body, making the energy, making your energy brighter. You can imagine a bright waterfall flowing over you.

And this is like full of love and support and bright energy. And it's really reviving you for folks who have had this tension that we've been working on.

It can really, it can sometimes stress our bodies and in our energy can like fight itself a little bit. So this is to help really just make us feel better.

Okay. Now we're going to integrate in ground. I want you to, again, hold touch your body. Maybe rub your legs was someone pulled the strength card for themselves this morning.

That's beautiful. Wow. Let's take that energy. The strength, energy with us while we ground, I don't have the card nearby, but it's figure with a lion, very balanced, very strong.

Okay. I want you to feel a warm light at the base of your spine. It feels so warm. It's bright too.

And it pools in your pelvis, overflows into your legs, and you can feel that warmth going down, warming your knees, your thighs, your legs, your ankles, and then you see that light pooling in your feet.

And you can feel that heat. Maybe you can feel that a slight pulse And then your feet open up and then two thick roots go down into the center of the earth.

And then we're wrapping you up in a bubble of light to protect your energy. As you keep moving forward, you can imagine like angels hugging it or a tree, or maybe your spirit team.

He likes some extra bubble protection. I just do a hug with me one, one more time, just a deep breath and then sign it out.

Okay, I'm going to release your energy, give it back to you. Send it back to you is your own. You can take it.

And I'm claiming my own energy back and pulling it back to me. How do you feel this was so it was good.

This felt good for me, very gentle, very opening, going to pull a card for all of us. This one feels right.

It is the star seat or a cold deck. And if you'd like to support me or work with me, my one-on-ones are open.

So you can book a session with you one-on-one and it would be tailored to you. I also have a membership where it's, it's all about living with the seasons, living cyclically and allowing our bodies to have seasons and allowing your energy to have seasons.

And it's so magical. It's so good. And it opens in September. So you can learn more Lincoln bio it's called Sunday nourish club.

And then I also have prerecorded healings in my shop. So that's there as well. And oh, I forgot to say this, but this is a free offering.

And if you have the ability to, I would, I always recommend donating money to like mutual aid, supporting your community.

Cause that's what this is about community energy, Thursdays message, lifting, the veil, questioning everything. Anything unaligned must go, oh, someone says they're hungry.

I'm hungry too. So lifting the veil. Let me read it. Where's the book. Yeah. Someone saying thank you for emphasizing small moves.

I tend to want to heal, heal, heal. And I'm working on small, but big steps, a hundred percent. That is something me.

I just opened to the page. Wow. I think it's really important to not overwhelm the Bonnie. And sometimes it will and you can't and that's okay.

Right? But if it's like, no, it's, sometimes it happens. You don't even mean to, and let's try to be gentle with ourselves.

This world is not very gentle with us Things. Aren't always, as they seem, this era is one of uncovering mistruths.

So we can remember ancient truths. Everything is in a state of recall and realignment. Anything that isn't in harmony with the planet will not survive.

This goes for society and the world at large, as well as in our own lives. If you pull this card, you're being called to energetically, scan your life for things that may no longer be a vibrational match for who you are and how you've grown to dismantle the systems and ways of being that one served you and others, but no longer do some star seeds are here to lift the veil between the seen and unseen world to shine a light on things that are inauthentic or unaligned with the survival and wellbeing of earth to stand for and protect those who don't have a voice to look deeper and question everything that previous generations did.

Not some star seeds can not tolerate things that aren't congruent. They're here to bring society and humanity back into harmony with the planet and the creator.

At large, we tolerate things in our life that aren't aligned and congruent with it. We add to the misalignment of the planet.

You're being called to trust yourself. Notice what's notice what's out of alignment and then take the baby steps required to bring it into harmony.

This is no easy feat, but it's so worthwhile both individually and for the planet. The question is what isn't congruent in your life.

How are you being called to bring it back into harmony? And I got a message from this. I was thinking of, you know, are you following accounts social media accounts that don't make you feel good that perhaps are promoting fat phobic on harmful ways of being, can you want to follow them?

I sometimes get tic talks that do not serve me and would kind of would harm me or like make me go back into old beliefs.

That weren't good for me. So I always make sure to block it. I mean, sometimes they snake sneak in and I'm like, oh, what am I doing?

I shouldn't do this because like, it's not, it's not good for me. I know that. So what can we let go of?

I also liked the part to dismantle, to dismantle the systems and ways of being that once served you and others, but no longer do a lot of systems.

Don't, we're only meant to serve one type of person and not all. And so how can we make the world more equitable more just for all?

I don't know. This is a really cool card. It's also really interesting. I lost it to come with what we're doing today.

So how can you lift the veil trust yourselves? What in society is telling us that we can't trust our bodies?

What, what have we been taught in this capitalistic white supremacy society that is wrong, but in real reality, isn't right.

So don't overwhelm yourself. Think about it, journal on it. If that feels good, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day.

I hope this brings you some peace and some love to yourself into your body. I hope you're able to be friended a little bit more.

See it as a friend and I will see you at next first Thursday of the month for another community energy Thursday by friends.


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