My Season in Review: Spring 2022



Spring was an interesting season. 

It was a time of massive healing for me. And less in an esoteric way and more in a physical health way. 

This was all much needed and also rough on my nervous system, like most intense healing is. I’m so grateful that I have a toolbox full of nervous system support and have done a lot of work on my nervous system strength. In full transparency, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t escapism or numbing — sometimes the thing we need most is that. 

There was also fun — being outside, working in the garden, creating/working with my hands, being with friends and family. 

Looking back, it was a time of growth and new beginnings. Totally spring things. 

Some Spring Highlights

✦ After many years putting it off (and to save up),  I finally went to a heart specialist to check some heredity heart issues. Everything is good and just having all the reports/data makes me feel 1000 lbs lighter as I don’t have to carry around the “what if’s” anymore. I cried during the entire drs visit and also cried that whole week.

✦ I was prescribed medicine for some other health issues and I feel so damn normal that sometimes when I think about it, it makes me cry. In the best way. A reminder that there is no shame in the prescription game.

✦ Launched Sunday Nourish Club and it’s been so fun and magical to align energetically with the seasons. Truly a labor of love and I’m so proud to have it exist in the world. 

✦ I got into embroidery via Mystical Stitches and created some spell work through needle and thread. 

✦ Played with clay for the first time since pandemic and hand built a mug (meaning I didn’t use the wheel). It’s got a nice lean to it, lol.

✦ Read a lotttt of books. Here are some top hits: The Power of Ritual, Digital Minimalism, The Book of Longing, Circe, Book Lovers.

✦ Voted.

✦ Watched Eurovision and texted with friends so it was almost like it was a Eurovision party. I love Eurovision so much and it’s been so long since I”ve watched it live or with friends. Ukraine won and I sobbed.

✦ Worked on my gluten free sourdough pizza recipe. Still needs some tweaking but with the Neapolitan tomato sauce and miyoko’s liquid mozzarella…. Oh my god, so good. 

✦ Dreamed and designed my garden and then scrapped it and started from scratch. This happened nearly 7 times. Told myself no tomatoes this year, but then bought seeds for one type. And then watched YouTube videos of tomatoes and became obsessed. I now have too many tomatoes.

✦ For the spring garden (which didn’t do too hot because it went from cold to 80 degrees in a matter of days), I planted: 2 types of potatoes (most got early blight and I had to pull them up), carrots, and peas. Also received an abundance of blueberries and raspberries from our plants.

✦ For the summer garden (which is getting beat up in the 105 degree heat advisories), I planted:
- 3 cherry tomatoes — sun sugar, orange currant, super sweet 100
- an heirloom — brandywine and it’s not doing too well
- roma, a ground cherry, and a slicer — 3 bella rosas
- 3 red bell peppers and 2 banana peppers
- 2 cucumbers — burp-less and pickling
- 2 watermelon — sugar baby
- lots of herbs and flowers — basil, thyme, oregano, dill, stevia, borage, bee balm, zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers (the squirrels ate most of my sunflowers and cool herbs)

✦ Made Persian love cake cupcakes which was a big item on my spring bucket list.


Summer is a time of firey forward movement, connection, and motivation. For a deeper dive on the energetics of summer, go here. For an energy healing to welcome summer’s energy, go here.

My intention with summer is to be really intentional with my activities. I am someone who can experience summer burnout easily, so I want to spend my time on things that light me up. I’m also still pretty cautious with covid, so trying to smartly navigate that with the dreams of connection. I also have the intention to just… be my bold self and dream bigger than ever!

Summer Bucket List

  • Make a shrub or two; excited to preserve some of the nectarines I bought

  • Make switchel (an old timey gatorade) to keep my super hydrated; if you’re in the triangle, just go ahead and buy all of the boro

  • Be more lovingly consistent with movement and exercise.

  • 💘💘💘

  • Be on the water or go to the beach

Biz Goals

  • Reach out to collab with some people I admire

  • Open up my books for 1:1 sessions Interested? Get on the waitlist here

  • Launch The System Reboot — a monthly group energy healing all about stress relief

  • Open up Sunday Nourish Club for fall/winter season

  • Prep for a welcome-to-fall workshop

Wishing you a safe, fun, and motivated summer, friends!

PS: Want to get the latest news when everything drops? Sign up for my newsletter HERE. (Don’t forget to add them birthday digits because I have a birthday surprise for you too!)


Energy Healing: Befriending Your Body


Energy Healing: Welcoming Summer’s Energy