My Season in Review: Winter 2021-2022



Wow… winter. 

Winter was a rough season for me. 

Much was required of me and yet all I wanted to do was hibernate and hide away. 

During the winter months, things felt so heavy and hard. There was my mom’s surgery, the complications, her 16 hour emergency room visit, and some other personal stuff that had my stomach in knots. However, looking back, I am so proud of myself.

I survived. 

And not only did I survive, but I was able to support myself as best as I could, felt my feelings, and found little pockets of time to do things that made me happy. 

That’s literally all I can ask for. 😌

Some Winter Highlights

✦ It was my 33rd birthday! Another very low-key Covid birthday, but I’m so privileged to have another year. 

✦ I got into sourdough. I started my own starter from scratch and used ancient wheat (Einkorn) to make my boule. It’s been challenging, lol. I think switched to gluten free baguettes, but the Einkorn tastes so good. I’ll get the hang of it. But it’s definitely a fall/winter activity as I couldn’t stand a 500 degree oven any other time. 

winter bucket list_making sourdough, living with seasons, energy with ryan

✦ I tried my first linocut. It’s been something I have been very interested in for awhile. It was so fun and I made it over art night and then gifted the prints to my friends (it’s an inside high school joke that never gets old). I’m definitely excited to work with it again. 

✦ I made lots of warming winter tea and shared it with friends who were sick. It was a mix of rooibos, ginger, orange peel, and cinnamon. 

✦ I planned and dreamed a lot. Visualized for my future and how I wanted it to feel and imagined so much loving support and connection.

✦ Planted a winter garden that did not do anything because of frost but still brought me joy when I saw any little growth. Watched videos about gardening, picked my seeds and got really intentional with them.(Last year I went seed crazy, planted too much, and got overwhelmed. Live and learn.) 

✦ Took time off from work and 1:1’s to take care of my mom and myself. However, I was still constantly thinking about work and did quite a few things behind the scenes so next time I’ll put in a think-limit, lol.

✦ Read quite a bit, but really enjoyed Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times and Lovelight Farms.

✦ Finished creating the membership: Sunday Nourish Club! I am so excited for this. This 6-month membership is here to support your spiritual journey and bring consistency, accountability, softness, and so much feminine flow to your life.


My intention with spring is to awaken slowly. I’m excited to give my body the chance to bloom and grow. And I’m being very intentional with my goals of the season. I’m only going after the “hell yeah’s!”

Spring Bucket List

  • Make a Persian Love Cake (but finagle it so it’s like my favorite cake ever at my favorite restaurant ever Bim Beri Bon)

  • Start my seeds

  • Clear out garden bed

  • Plant flowers (sunflowers, borage, zinnia, marigolds)

  • Get my hair done

  • Eat fresh peas from garden

  • Dye something to satisfy my need for coloring eggs

  • Deep clean Porch

  • Make elderflower lemonade (I can’t ever seem to forage elderflower, but I have some dried flowers to use for this.)

  • Have a fancy tea party with cute desserts

  • Make strawberry jam

Biz Goals

Wishing you all a beautiful spring full of new growth, blooms, and all the limitless possibilities!

PS: Want to get the latest news when everything drops? Sign up for my newsletter HERE. (Don’t forget to add them birthday digits because I have a birthday surprise for you too!)


Energy Healing: Calling in Divine Connection


Energy Healing: Dreaming Together