Energy Healing: Dreaming Together

energy healing dreaming together manifest heal support energy with ryan

What dreams do you hold for yourself? What dreams do you envision for the world?

Transcript Below

This energy healing was a mix between supporting the community and supporting your dreams.

We helped release heaviness and denseness from the world. And we connected to the energy of the Pisces new moon, followed where your dreams will take you and then shared that feeling of limitless possibilities with the world.

PS: This is from March 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minutes of energy healing that's intuitively guided.

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Welcome welcome. It's community energy, Thursday. The time where we come together as a community receive energy, give energy out. It's really great time.

It's the first Thursday of the month. Well welcome friends. I am currently cleansing the space. I need my chapstick on good morning.

Good morning. afternoon on the east coast. Okay. I hope everyone is doing feeling best. They can sending some cleansing clearing to you.

Hello? Hello. For those who are in the sisterhood and the secret circle, our sisterhood is next Wednesday. I think, I think it's the 10th.

Hello friends. Okay. Cleansed feeling good. Got ashes on me. I'm not sure what we're going to work on today. If you're new here, we do an intuitive healing clearing and there's a lot going on in the world.

I have a thought, but let me just pull some cards are highest and curious, going to order what you work on today.

Oh, interesting. What should we, what does the collective right now? Hmm. So if you need some, some extra support for some heaviness, we, I have, um, another community energy, Thursday that happened last September.

It's currently up on the blog. It is about, uh, releasing the heaviness from your, from your system. And then also sending light out, um, to, to, to those who need it.

And so we did get the three of Pentacles, which is all about community support, which is while we're here. And we also got the eight of cups.

So something about going on a journey is a community journey. Now let's see what this journey is. And then we'll just open up.

Wow. About seven cards fell. So we got the queen of swords, the four of wands, the queen of wands, the hermit and the page of wands.

So I think we're going, moving from this hermit energy into this creation with community. So let's just see what happens.

Okay. Welcome to community energy. Thursday, let's begin. So take a deep breath, Set your intention for today. Maybe you want to feel more grounded.

Maybe you want to send energy to a certain body part or about a certain, Uh, thing going on in your life.

Maybe it’s an obstacle. If you read, read my newsletter this past of week that I just sent out this Pisces new moon is talking about, uh, obstacles.

Don't matter. Like don't even think about them. You can go through any obstacle you wish. And so maybe that's something you want to, to have your intention to whatever it is.

Just think of it. I'm going to wrap us in a pink. Yes. It's like a pink purple of bubble of light.

And that which only serves your highest and greatest good and divine order can come through. And we thank the earth.

We think All those who have stewarded the land for so many generations past present and future the native indigenous, We think those who are just protecting the earth and we think our spirit team for watching over us for guiding us and we ask them to watch over us.

Now, while we enter this energy healing and support us and help us receive messages, help us clear things that need to be cleared and you know, a gentle, complete, effortless way.

Okay. I'm going to connect to your energy. The chat is so lively. If you'd like to share your intention, um, you can do so in emojis, you can tell us, I find that it's really powerful if you want to share it.

And it's also powerful. If you don't sell whatever feels good to you, For those who, um, are, are new or don't know my inner, my type of energy healing is called integrated energy.

It's similar to Reiki. However, it is angelic energy and I'm not sure about Reiki, but when I connect, before I connect to anyone's energy, I fill up, I have to fill up my own cup.

First. I have to receive the energy first, which I think is just such a good, um, exercise to do before we go out in the world.

Okay. Some of our intentions, healthy boundaries and listen to my body, to ground and tap into my inner strength. I love them.

I have a feeling, this is going to be a very different energy healing. I'm already starting to cry. There there's a lot going on in the world.

And I'm really getting like we're focusing on the community. Yeah. So we're in, I feel like there's this big blanket is a big, heavy blanket on the earth, on the whole world, like as a community.

And it's true. I mean the floods, the war, the trans LGBTQ plus children, I mean the poverty, there's just so much.

And so I'm having a feeling, let's see what we can do with this. Can we release a blanket? Yes. Okay.

This is really lovely. So imagine yourself a care bear, a care bear stare, but you can see it coming out of your heart and we are going to, um, have it come out of your heart.

We call this a heartbeat and I eat, and I want you to just imagine having that energy. Remember my energy is coming from the divine.

So it's coming this way. It's coming out of my heart, going into your heart. And then you have another beam going out and we're just going to like clear this blanket.

I think this blanket, I think we, we, I don't, we don't even know anything. So just imagine all of our energy coming together as one.

And it's just evaporating. Like this blanket is made of like dense density. And with this light, we can help lift it and just imagine all of our angels, um, going and grabbing this, uh, excess, whatever we're releasing.

And it's, they're just taking it. They're doing whatever they need to do to transmute it. We don't need to worry about that.

But through our light, This is like so beautiful. Um, Going, I'm getting the sense that it's kind of an awakening as well.

What we're doing, um, Is that gone now? Is it 50? Yes. 60 now. Okay. We're 50% gone of this heavy blanket.

Um, let's think about wherever. So it was a globe, right? So wherever you put your energy now think of the opposite.

So if you're like focusing on north America, focusing on, uh, like Russia, that area, China, um, if you think of it, like the globe, Okay.

There we go. 60 S 70 now. Okay. We're at 60% and we're just asking the angels to, to help us with this.

Yes. And they're just taking, I'm seeing like just trash bags and they're just taking it Now. Remember, this is Like for the, we need both, right.

We need both thoughts and prayers and action. But this is, I th I believe this is a big part as well, doing the energetics Or TA a hundred.

Yes. Okay. So we're at a hundred percent now. I just want you to imagine the globe, the earth, just like a bright star flash, just like Starburst, tons of energy, going out all directions.

And by cleansing the earth, we're cleansing ourselves too. We're cleansing our community. We're cleansing. Um, we're supporting ourselves, supporting the community.

Hm. Okay. Okay. I now understand what the cards are saying. Um, you were taking the dark and see the hermit.

We were making bigger. We were blooming it. We were, oh my God. I didn't even see the judgment card. There was awakening.

Just like we said. Um, okay. On the bottom of the deck is the strength. Okay. Now I want you to put that light in word.

I just feel everybody's body just like vibrating. Like, And I want you to send that light to a place that is, that you needed, that, that you're feeling called to send it to where, um, where your intention goes.

uh,  Now I'm getting this idea too. It was the new moon. Yeah. Uh, yesterday. Yeah. Yesterday it was the new moon.

So This is where the eight of cups comes in. We are going on this inner journey, uh, in this, in our, for our dreams.

Okay. So I want you to say internally your gratitude list. Um, it can be three things that you're grateful for right now that you really appreciate.

Um, this is going to magnetize you and like brighten your energy. You can put it in emojis, in the chat.

I just love trying to decipher the hieroglyphics. Uh, I'm so thankful for all of you for, for being here for doing this work.

I mean, this is so powerful that we're here together. I'm so grateful. I appreciate the clean water I have. Um, and just looking at my desk.

I appreciate the, that we can communicate that I can communicate to my friends all over the world. That's what, what a beautiful, wonderful thing.

Three. Yes. Okay. So I would like for you to think of, let me read the comments, magic fire house in love, grateful for our new home, my supportive family and my new, amazing community I found here.

Yes. Um, so welcome for everyone to be here. I would like for you to think of this energy healings everywhere today, but think of three things that you want to call in, um, it could be your intention.

I would like for one of them to be, if you feel called to it, a dream vision for the world, like world peace, everyone has clean water.

You know, um, everyone feels safe, some something towards the greater community. It could even be a local, your, your town.

It could be the world. So I'm going to give you some minutes while you think of that. Again, it could be your intention to feel grounded, to be more tolerant.

Okay. Hopefully you have them. If not, no pressure. You can always come back to this and you can just have whatever you have.

And that's fine. I want you to keep them in your, your mind's eye. What are we going to do to them?

I'm going to pull it to us. No good health for the world. Uh, have healthy boundaries and take care of myself more.

Yes, those are powerful. Like I'm gonna start crying again. If you think about it, those three things are just so powerful.

The having healthy boundaries for yourself can change your taking care of yourself. More can change your life. Like those are not small things.

Those are really powerful. Thank you for sharing. I'm going on a journey with them. Yes. So when I'm getting, what I'm getting from the universe is that we're going to treat them like fireflies.

So I want you to imagine each one as like a ball of light and I follow them together now. Okay.

We're going to follow them separately. So think of like your big one. And then I want you to imagine that as a big ball of light, and then we're just going to follow it and maybe it'll take you somewhere.

Maybe it'll keep you where you are. I'm not really sure. Um, but this is the, the hits I'm getting. So This is mine.

No, I'm I'm somehow I didn't even connect to mine. I connected to one of y'all's and, um, it led me to like this beautiful energy of just like coming home and celebrating.

I'm like, uh, like a whole town, just so happy that you're there and just everyone's come together as a family.

So beautiful. I hope you can connect as well. Let me know if you can, and also let me know if you can't and I'll try to send some energy your way.

Uh, oh, I'm seeing such interesting images. I want you to hold these feelings. Um, this is powerful visualization work. Perfect for the new man.

I hope you can't hear my stomach grumbling. Okay. Is there now, hopefully you have had time to connect. Anything else that there's anything else?

What does, should we do Bringing in? No. Okay. Let me just, uh, ask what we need to do next And so now with that energy, that, I mean, I, hopefully you can even feel your own energetic difference of just kind of like expansion, excitement, um, happier, uh, inspired.

I want you to take that energy. That's yours. Like that is the truth. That is yours right now. And I want you to just kind of like throw it in the air is what I'm seeing.

Just kind of like take it and go blue, like another care bear, stare a heartbeat. Hm. Okay. And then just coat the whole earth with it.

You can imagine coding your small town, maybe your big town, um, your big city, your state, your Providence, your country, One hemisphere, the other hemisphere Pass the boundaries of physical earth out into space.

Maybe it reaches the sun or the next planet. I think what we're doing here is we're really opening up the possibilities for the whole world.

Um, we're taking this excitement and we're like, Hey, this is possible. Like, let's share it. Let's share what is possible.

And that's exactly what, again, that, that Oracle reading I did for the new moon and the newsletter, it was all about, do not let yourself stop from dreaming.

You there's. There are no boundaries, there are no obstacles, anything could happen. Um, and that's kind of like what, we're, what we're sharing here is so many of us and I mean, no judgment, totally get it.

I do it as well where it's like, well, that's not possible. Like, I don't know, world peace really possible is, um, having a healthy world completely possible.

It seems sometimes so impossible. And it's like, no, it can be possible. Like, why not? Why am I limiting myself to such small thinking?

And so we are sharing that these possibilities are possible with the whole world, because it only takes one person. It only takes one idea to spark something, something genius, something wonderful.

Um, and maybe that one person has this idea, but that feels it's impossible. And then we're sharing it. They're getting that energy.

And then I don't know everything. Everything's wonderful. Okay. Sorry. No. Okay. So let us ground, and I want to ground and bring us back down to earth to remind us that again, toxic positivity is not a place here.

Um, feel your feelings. If you were upset, please feel your feelings. Don't, um, rage, dance in healthy ways, right? Um, I don't want you to get in that loop of, I'm just going to pretend everything's all right.

There's a lot of things. That's aren't all right. Um, and by feeling it, and by doing that, you help break, get your body to feel safer.

Again, that's my spiel, toxic positivity, uh, was really dangerous for me. So I just want to make sure when I was younger.

So I want to make sure that no one falls in that trap. So take a couple deep breaths, Feel wherever you're seated or laying down, feel something solid underneath you, supporting you.

Uh, Now feel a gentle pulsing. If you can, at the base of your spine, your pelvis, Let's see at flood down your legs, pooling in your feet, And then your feet open up and too thick roots come out and go deep into the earth.

Yeah. And then we're wrapping you up in a big bubble of light, not which only serves your highest and greatest.

Good can continue to come through. This is your protection bubble. As you continue on your energy is, um, powerful right now.

So let's keep it. Let's keep it tight. Okay. Take another deep breath. How do you feel? Let me know. And I'm going to disconnect her energy, return your energy back to you.

Pull my energy back to me. I'm calling almond or do back to myself. You can call it all your energy back to yourself, like do that every night.

So good practice. I got some hearts. Good. Okay. I'm going to pull an Oracle card while I'm doing that. Let me tell you what's going on energy with Ryan world.

Um, this Sunday, we're having a free event, uh, called the initiation and it's free energy healing, a free attunement to the natural world and learning how to connect to the natural rhythms and use that to support yourself from burnout and just like toxic capitalistic ideas.

I'm really excited about it. And there's going to be a super sweet notion that I'm going to share. And also I have a new offering called Sunday nourish club, and it's going to be the, like the main offering going forward.

And so it's monthly. You get two energy healings. A month. One is live, one is recorded and it's based on the themes, the energetic themes and the elements of the season.

It's six months and the first month free. So the initiation is actually a blend of Sunday nurse club, the free month and the attunement.

And we're also, I haven't advertised this yet. It'll be probably next week, but the sisterhood circle is now reopened again.

And we're having a free event on the 20th. So stay tuned for that. Very excited. So glad you're feeling lighter.

Okay. Let's pull a card. This is from my friend's deck, epic bones, our highest and greatest good and vinyl on order.

What message do we today? Let me say, does the collective today? Okay. It fell. Oh, no. Fascinating. So the question on the back of the card is where is my energy going?

And the front side says I'm in, I am exerting just right. Energy in all areas of my life. Oh, I love that.

So it's not extreme, not too much just right. Maybe I can figure out a way to like, turn this around in my story so you can read it.

Yeah, I can do that. And so think about where's your energy going? This is great. We were talking about boundaries.

We were talking about, um, sharing energy, but also remember fill up your own cup first. So where's my energy going, ask yourself this.

Hopefully it will help you as a plane and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day rest of your week.

I hope to see you on Sunday, RSVP, bio and link bio Link in bio, um, for the initiation and send me a message.


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