Vibrational Essences: My High-Vibe Secret Weapon


Have you heard of vibrational essences?

I’m not exaggerating when I say they are my secret weapon. They feel magical and allow me to get to where I want to go more quickly.

Want to feel inspired again?

There’s a vibrational essence for that.

Need to give your heart-space some extra support?

Vibrational essence.

Want to ground, open your crown chakra, love yourself more, attract more abundance….

you guessed it, there’s an essence for it!

WTF Are vibrational essences??

You might know vibrational essences as flower essences or gem essences. Bach’s Rescue Remedy is probably the most famous of flower essences. It’s a blend of five flowers that help support the body during a stressful situation. I had a friend who kept some in her work desk medical kit for after particularly bad meetings.

Vibrational essences are a subtle healing tool that gently supports the body and its four energetic layers -- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

They are created by sun-steeping a flower/plant/environmental signature in spring water. This allows the flower/plant/environmental signature to imprint the water with its specific vibration.

So for example, if you sun-steep beautiful wild roses (free of pesticides and harmful fertilizers, etc...) in water, the water is then imprinted with beautiful heart-opener energy, ready to re-energize us and ignite passion into our lives.

It’s important to note that they’re NOT the same as essential oils. Essential oils are created from plant matter. Vibrational essences are created from frequency-imprinted water (and alcohol to stabilize them).

How can I use them??

When taken, the vibrational essences imprints its own energetic blueprint into our body and aligns our own vibration to its own. As we are energetic beings, these essences create gentle shifts of our subconscious and conscious mind, allowing for new perspectives and healing.

If we keep with the wild rose example, by utilizing the essence, we are bringing the re-energized and passion-igniting frequencies into our own bodies. This creates shifts in our field, allowing our own energy to recalibrate to the wild rose energy which in turn raises our frequency as well. In a gentle way, we become filled with passion and re-energized with life.

Basically magic! 

The essences can be used internally or externally. There are vibrational essence practitioners out there; I am not one. However, I use essences intuitively. I take them for a few weeks at a time, 3x a day. My body will crave or be excited by an essence until it’s not needed anymore. And then I know it’s time to stop or pause.

The world of vibrational essences is wide and deep. There are even Flower Essence Practitioners out there!

While I love exploring and learning new essences, I tend to bounce between favorites: essences for joy, lush creativity, abundance, emotional support, and grounding.

Ask yourself, if you could create a vibrational essence to support you in whatever way, what would it do? (And then browse online because they probably have it!)


Did you know I have my own Vibrational Essences?

Bright & Light Essence:
For When You Need to Steep Yourself in Brightness and Joy
Force of Nature Essence:
For When You Need to Call Upon the Divine Warrior Within You
Warm Blanket Essence:
For When You Need to Take Your Pack Off and Breathe

Check out my Etsy Shop HERE.


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