2020 Gift Guide

The Women & BBIPOC Small Business Gift Guide

You know what I love? Supporting folks who identify as Women and Black Brown Indigenous People of Color. 

There is power in the dollar, my friend, and I urge us all to a) reflect on our relationship to consumer capitalism and b) do our best to support people, not corporations. Especially BBIPOC! 

Out of 15 items on this list, 8 are BBIPOC owned businesses and 11 are Women owned. (Two are owned by a couple and one I am unaware of their CEO origins but it’s so delicious that I had to include it. Looking at you, Olipop).

How cool is that?

Now on to the goods!

Ps: * = BBIPOC Owned

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1. Ally For All Tee by Wasi*
I found this brand I through Tiktok and I’m obsessed with them! Home goods, clothing, and accessories, they have it all! And all beautiful too! I definitely will be saving up for one of their blankets. Also their Live, Laugh, Love poster is the only one I would glad fully hang in my house. Wasi is a Bolivian-American owned biz and their brand name, Wasi, is Quechuan and means "home”! 

2. Grenadine Cocktail Syrup by Yes Cocktail Co
Do I even need to justify this? Shirley Temples are the ULTIMATE drink!  And I’ve been looking for a non-trash version of grenadine for forever! Yes Cocktail Co have some pretty fun mixers. Perfect for seltzer or booze!

3. Soap + Suds Hand and Body Wash Start Pack by Fillaree 
I love Fillaree! A zero waste soap brand that has recently gotten into hair care! Their soap smells good and isn’t drying at all. (The clove scent is my favorite.) Plus, I love their business model. They’re all about the environment and creating a circular economy and have subscription packages for refills.

4. joy is an act of resistance by rayo & honey*
How powerful is this statement. Such a wonderful reminder to have in your space. Her mission is goods with positive intent and it shines so beautifully through all of her work. Their totes also catch my eye, specifically “momma raised a revolution” tote. Black owned and Brooklyn made. 

5. The Diaspora Tote by Diaspora Co*
In their own words, Diaspora co are “building a better spice trade, equitably and deliciously.” Can anything be better than that? I’ve got my eye on their new cacao. But this tote?? Stunning. Their Towel Trio also might be calling my name…

6. Herkimer "Diamond" Ring by Crown and Hammer 
Crown and Hammer has handmade jewelry inspired by her coastal home. And this piece in particular is next level. Ready to level up? Get you a herkimer quartz. They are the ultimate high vibe crystal and perfect for meditating or energy work!

7. ImmuneShroom by Organic Olivia
Organic Olivia is my favorite herbalist. She’s a wonderful human being and I love to support her. My medicine cabinet is never without this powerful immune support. And honestly, you cannot do wrong with any Organic Olivia product. Also a big fan of her Elderberry Syrup and Mighty Minerals. 

8. Daallo (Somali Chai) Concentrate by Jeddah’s Tea*
Jeddah’s Tea has you covered with a beautiful and welcoming community space in Durham, NC and also an online store to share the goodies no matter where you’re at. Nothing makes me happier in the darker months than a perfect chai with lots of dairy free milk. This is such an amazing chai, PLUS it’s in a concentrate so you don’t have to worry about getting the ratios right. Sip while wrapped in a warm blanket. 

9. You Are on Native Land Hoodie by Urban Native Era*
Another Tiktok find. (It truly has given us all so much.) I love this Native clothing brand!  I keep flopping from their red dad hat or this hoodie, but I know I will use the hoodie more and I want this message to be seen! 

10. The OG: Golden Brew by Patsy’s House of Tea*
Maybe I’m a bit too obsessed with tea? Or maybe the rest of the world needs to catch up? No matter what mood you’re in, Patsy’s House of Tea has something for you. Their mission is to make tea (and its health benefits) approachable! The OG has ginger and lemongrass and turmeric so it packs a punch!  I’m also looking at that Holiday Mint blend. 

11. Painted Desert by PAINTtheTOWNbyNUMBER
Honestly, I thought I’d hate paint by numbers because I am not patient and cannot stand adult coloring books. But this kit was a highlight of my quarantine time! And they have such scenes that I’d actually want in my house. Learn for my mistake: take a photo of the blank painting before you start painting. That way you’ll always have a reference in case you forget which color goes where. 

12. Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi*
Gyasi’s debut novel, Homegoing, is my favorite book of all time. So when this came out, I could not wait! I haven’t been in the right headspace to read it yet as I hear it’s pretty devastating, but it’s my next fiction book for sure. Oh and if you haven’t read Homegoing yet, READ IT!

13. Bird Fest Fern Houseplant by the Zen Succulent*
The Zen Succulent is my go-to place for cute gifts. They’re known for their terrariums! This is such a fun plant and it’s low light. A must for any green thumbed (or green thumb in training) friend. Plus they can ship most of them!

14. Strawberry Vanilla Probiotic Soda by Olipop
Good for your soda. Honestly, all the flavors I’ve tried are good, but this strawberry one tastes like pure decadence. Plus it only has 3g of sugar!

15. The Reset Spray by Salt and Soil Apothecary (aka, me)
Is it tacky to put yourself on your own gift guide? Maybe? But I honestly love my Reset Spray and I use it daily, without fail. This spray will keep you grounded and protected, clearing your energy field and raising your vibration. A smoke-less smoke cleanse!

What people/small businesses are you excited to support this year?


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