Summer: the Season of Fire & Energy
Summer is the season of high energy.
It is a time of energy, excitement, connection, expression, and vitality. It’s a very masculine energy season, which means it’s a season of doing and action — an antithesis to the inward seasons of fall and winter.
In the moon cycle, the full moon represents summer; and with the menstrual cycle, ovulation.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the element of summer is fire and rules over the heart and small intestines. The emotion of fire is joy.
Fire is powerful and fuels our activity. It is a time of fun, connection and warmth and motivation. Imbalanced, fire can result in burnout, apathy, or restlessness.
Needless to say, it’s a powerful and bright season, filled with memories of hot days, summer vacation, endless energy, and fun.
Summer’s challenges
For many folks, summer brings more exhaustion than fun. That’s because summer is the only season capitalism deems worthy. So many of us are living in summer all year long — pushing and achieving and hustling.
Which goes against the natural cycles and seasons of nature.
When you live in summer all year long, by the time the summer season actually happens and the energies are heightening…. there is nothing left in the tank, so to speak.
You’re burnt out. You’re “fried”.
In other words, an imbalance of fire.
If this is you right now, I feel and see you. Please be gentle with yourself. This is not your fault. This is a societal failure.
For me, when I’m feeling that pre-summer exhaustion, I focus on keeping myself physically and energetically cool to balance the excess heat. I focus on heart and small intestine meditations and energy healings. I find myself utilizing siesta hours and keeping out of the sun during the heat of the day and I keep my social obligations to a minimum.
Summer Practices
☀️ Send extra energy and love to your heart this season.
☀️ Allow yourself to feel all the joy without guilt or shame. ☀️ Imagine fireworks coming out from your heart-space.
☀️ Visualize your heart connecting with others, creating a giant chain of light.
☀️ Continually ask yourself if what you are doing is a “hell yeah!”. Don’t settle for anything less. (And don’t book your calendar with anything less.)
☀️ Fire can burn through a lot of internal water, so remember to hydrate: drink iced teas, eat raw cucumber, dip your feet into water.
☀️ Reconnect with your passions and your community.
Summer Affirmations
➡ I allow myself to embrace fun and joy.
➡ I am alive and full of vitality.
➡ I welcome new positive opportunities and abundance into my life.
➡ I listen and trust the truth of my heart.
A Summer message from tarot
Deck is The Herbcrafter’s Tarot
Six of Air (Swords), Cattail;
Nine of Earth (Pentacles), Apple;
Hija of Fire (Page of Wands), California Poppy
You are on a journey and are moving towards abundance and passion. Summer is a time of plenty, of fire, and creativity… it’s time to harness that this season.
Let yourself catch that spark and ignite your inner fire. Connect to your heart and find that song that needs to be sung, that thing that would fill you up with so much joy but you keep putting off.
This is also mental shift, releasing old patterns and societal beliefs.
What are your thoughts about abundance and passion? What would you like to believe? How can you tap into the beginner’s mind — or child like exuberance? How can you look at summer differently*?
Let yourself be changed by summer. Let new connections flourish, your cup fill up, inspiration and breakthroughs to flow in.
*I personally feel so damn abundant during summer with all the flowers bloom and my garden producing. It truly feels like an honor to be in that energy.
Loved learning about the energetics of the season and want to connect more to them? Check out Sunday Nourish Club — a 6 month energy healing membership for those ready to ditch the toxic hustle/burnout grind and step into a life of nourishment, connection, and flow by living in tune with nature and her rhythms.
PS: Sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter, The Energy Current.
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