A Shallow Deep Dive on Human Design Types

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So you now have your Human Design chart in front of you.

Now what?

Well, first, take a deep breath!

Human Design can be pretty overwhelming and it’s a lot of new terminology and concepts.

However, that’s also its greatest gift.

And while there’s so much information out there (and I definitely recommend browsing and learning what calls out to you — my recs at bottom of post), here’s a very basic and shallow dive into the different types.

Human Design Types

There are four design types and a hybrid type: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector.

And each type has their own specific strategy and aura and strengths and challenges.

First some terminology explanations might be helpful:
Strategy: best way to approach and navigate life; determined by their design aura
Auras: how you meet the world and interact with it; each type has a specific aura

Strategy: to Respond

  • Estimated 36% of the world.

  • Defined sacral center — meaning they have the ability to go and go.

  • They have an aura that attracts opportunities and people. And this is what they “respond” to. 

  • Feels satisfied when lit up and working on what they love.

  • Must use up all their sacral center every day by working.

  • Can be burnt out and exhausted when they are not satisfied with what they’re doing.

  • Can feel frustrated if out of alignment.

Manifesting Generator
Strategy: to Respond and to Inform 

  • Estimated 33% of the world.

  • Defined sacral center — meaning 70% of the world has a defined sacral center and ability to create their own energy.

  • Their aura also pulls life to them.

  • Have a motor center connected to the throat.

  • Loves to start new ventures and projects and go after ideas.

  • Feels satisfied when they’re creating and have a lot going on at once.

  • Can feel shamed for not finishing what they start and being bored easily.

  • Can feel frustrated and angry if out of alignment.

Strategy: to be Invited 

  • Estimated 22% of the world. 

  • Undefined sacral center — meaning they need lots of rest and alone time. 

  • They have a deeply penetrating aura; it’s focused and intense.

  • Needs to have the energy of an invitation before acting and sharing their gifts.

  • A life-long student, they easily master their studies.

  • Here to be wise and guide us to better things. They are considered the “new leaders”, meant to show us what’s possible.

  • Their aura absorbs energy so they need to expel the energy to get back to clarity.

  • Needs to be recognized for their gifts and feel seen. 

  • Can be sensitive and get sick from overwork and not enough rest.

  • Can feel bitter if out of alignment. 

Strategy: to Inform

  • Estimated 9% of the world.

  • Undefined sacral center (so needs lots of rest) AND a motor connected to the throat (they speak/create things into existence.)

  • Does not like to be told what to do and hates being controlled. Here to do their own thing and initiate (aka: go and do the things and bring them to life).

  • Must use their powerful voice and inform others of what they’re planning/doing/thinking since their aura can be deeply closed and pushing.

  • Here to get things started and impact the world. And need to hear the ways they impact.

  • Freedom and peace is the name of their game.

  • Can have shadow around their throat and informing and expressing.

  • Can feel angry if out of alignment.

Strategy: to Wait

  • Estimated 1% of the world.

  • Have all undefined centers so they take in energy around them and amplify it.

  • Their aura “samples” from other others and tests things out, but nothing sticks to it.

  • No defined sacral so needs lots of rest.

  • Here to help the world/others see themselves, taking in energies and acting like a mirror. 

  • Must wait a full moon cycle before making big decisions.

  • A wearer of many hats, they must lean into what feels good at the moment to do/think/be. This means they can have many different interests and likes that can change daily. Very much someone who is here to experience all life has to offer.

  • Can get overwhelmed by soaking up negative energies around them. Tend to have a core wound of feeling unseen.

  • Can feel disappointed when not in alignment. 

So how does it feel to know your type??

I think it’s important to ask yourself two questions:

  • What parts of your chart felt good and validating?

  • What parts of your chart did you feel strongly against/upset about?

The parts that felt good and validating… celebrate them! We are all badass, powerful folks and we need to celebrate ourselves more.

The parts that you felt strongly against… that’s where the magic happens.

Those are the pieces of you that have been conditioned by society. The parts where you tried to fit in or make yourself smaller or ignore some piece of you.

The parts where it felt easier to change yourself than society.

But Human Design is about how best to use YOUR energy and support what’s right for YOU.

So I want to challenge you.

If you hate your design or you feel you have a “bad design”… how can you switch perspectives to see those “flaws” as your biggest and greatest gifts?

Because that’s what they truly are.

Those are the spaces where you shine, where you hold power, where you are so very special.

And when you start on that process of unwinding this deconditioning and learned hate/dislike/annoyance, you’ll realize how true that is.

When you live your design and say “fuck it” to societal norms, that’s when you step into your power and create massive magic.

The things that I felt shame and annoyances for when I discovered I was a Manifestor… those are the things that brought me to where I’m at now. Leaning into rest and urges and informing has gotten me to my purpose and feeling good!

And I fought tooth and nail when I first found out.

But that’s a story for a different day.

Just know that you are perfect just the way you are.

You came into this lifetime exactly as you are meant to be with your special gifts and talents and abilities.

We are all meant to shine bright and if you’re ready to decondition and step into your power, into your light, keep following along!

Because that’s where my next Manifestor urge is taking me and I am using my own strategy, informing, to tell you that I am about to create tools and programs to help those ready to decondition and release shadows that keeps us from our power.

So let me drop me a DM… what are you ready to lean into and decondition from?

Ps: Favorite resources to learn more about Human Design:
The HD Bee
Interior Creature
Willow Rising
Vaness Henry
HD Undefined


Tarot and Shadow Work


3 Ways that Human Design Changed My Life