Energy Healing: Support for When You Feel Exhausted & Depleted


For when you feel bone weary.

Transcript Below

In this energy healing, we worked on supporting the body and its exhaustion.

The weariness it feels.

We shifted heaviness in the heart, released the boulders of “shoulds” from the shoulders, and strengthened (and sent lots of love to) your adrenals.

Remember: this weariness is not a personal or moral failure. Society and capitalism and white supremacy does not care about your mental health or how you feel. It’s better for them if you’re drowning. You and your body are doing the best you can in a crappy situation.

PS: This is from May 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

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*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. I'm currently lighting my incense. Welcome to community energy, Thursdays. I'm Ryan with energy with Ryan, and I'm so glad you're here.

I got like a lion's mane going on today. Today. We're going to talk and work on exhaustion, a bone weariness, how to fill up your cup when you're so depleted.

Hello friends, we're just clearing the space. And if your new community energy, Thursdays is the best filling up your cup that you can receive.

Especially for me, it's a free energy healing the first Thursday of every month, and it's for the community to help support the community, to give back to the community, to help folks who, who need it feel supported.

Good morning. Good morning. Okay. Energy is cleared. There has been A lot going on. There's a lot of anger right now.

There's a lot of exhaustion, a lot of Hopelessness, just, just a lot. So How do I want to say this?

Wherever you're at, be where you're at? You know, energy healing is never about, At least my energy healing is not about A Toxic, toxic positivity, or Not feeling your feelings, but this is to help support you so you can do those things.

So you can go out and figure out how to like support yourself more, to protest more, whatever you need to do.

So again, just wherever you're at, be there right now. And let's just center ourselves. Just take a few deep breaths.

And if you can't send to yourself, then that is why we are here today, inviting the candle. Okay, let's get started.

So first I'm wrapping us up in a big bubble of light that which only serves your highest and greatest good and divine order can come through.

And while I was on a walk today, I found a seashell that I'm sure I have picked up before, but I lost it somewhere in my yard.

And so it really wants to be shown. So maybe this means something to you, but we're about to thank the earth.

So I want to hold it. Well, I think the earth, thank you earth for all of your blessings, your bounty, your resources, your beauty, And thank those who have stewarded the land for so many generations, any first nation folk, indigenous folk.

We thank you. And we thank those who, whose land we are on right now. We're just going to ask the earth today to help guide us to, To help reconnect our connection to it.

I think that will be really supportive for our exhaustion support. And then we think our spirit team or spirit guides for being here for watching over us, for guiding us.

And just as we go throughout this energy healing, let our spirit team, you know, our angels ancestors, master healers, Any, I forgot beloved past ones as well as the earth just to be here and watch over us, guide us, help us release what we need to release, help us shift what we need to shift, learn what we need to learn in a way that's best for, for you and your energy.

And that's complete and gentle. Okay. Are we good? There's something else here. Hold on. And allow us to receive with an open heart.

Is that yes. Okay. That was, that was the thing we were missing. And so now I'm going to connect your energy.

If you have an intention for today's healing, perhaps you, you know exactly how you want to feel afterwards. Perhaps there's something that is making you exhausted.

Perhaps you, you don't even know you just are. You just want to feel better. That's okay, whatever your intention is, say it.

Now I connect your energy. And because I always forget or reminder that this is not medical advice, and this is for entertainment, value purposes only.

Okay. We're in. And again, we are working on exhaustion, bone weariness, depleted newness today. And I was going somewhere with that.

Hold on. Hmm. There's a lot here. So let me see, what do I shoulders first? No Yeah, something with the heart let's work with the heart first.

It feels heavy. It feels damp. It feels Just sad and that's okay. There's a, again, there's a lot going on.

We are not here to Spiritually bypass, emotionally bypass. However, we are trying to get you to a place where you feel good.

So You can just put your attention to your heart space And it's not all yours. I think it's collective. Yes.

Ancestral, no PATLive. Yes. And yourself. Yeah. So it's past laws collective and then your personal stuff. Can we release? Yes.

Do I need to know? We're just going to release it.  And if you're new here, welcome. I am an intuitive energy healer and the modality I was taught was integrative energy therapy.

It's a cousin to Reiki and unknown cousin. So what I'm doing right now is just giving all the heaviness, all the eggs, the stuff we don't want to the angels, because it is an angelic based energy modality.

And then they get to do whatever they want with that energy. That good? Yes. But there's something still here. No.

Okay. That feels better lighter. Should we fill it up with energy? Yes. Okay. We're filling it up with energy. That feels lighter.

Let me know how you feel, but I'm definitely feeling some sh throat some throat stuff. Yes. Okay. So now we're going to the shoulders and IET, the shoulders hold the sheds.

And when we have a lot of should, that depletes us, that makes us feel like there's Too much to do that.

We can't support ourselves. We might run ourselves really weak and wild and deplete ourselves in that way. Just a reminder that these are not moral failings.

These are not, There's nothing wrong with you in a perfect world. This would not that this would not be needed as much as we need it right now.

It is definitely society. It is, you know, capitalism, white supremacy. Our society does not care about our health, our, our our mental health.

So we are all just trying our best. And I know we are, and sometimes it feels like we come up short Because it just seems impossible.

And I feel you and I'm, and I feel that I'm sorry. It's not fair. Yes. So we're releasing the sheds And these are, this is definitely collective ancestral Passing.

No. And you're in your own, And I'm also getting Like Societal gender roles as well, Because society labels me as this.

I have to do this, or I should do this Gender roles or crap. So we're really saying that you don't, you don't need to do anything that doesn't feel good to you or releasing the sheds Of course, do the things you have to do to survive.

Okay. Yes. Okay. So now we're going to work on the other shoulder, Feels heavy. And again, we're working on exhaustion here and we're working on the sheds Nisha.

<inaudible> Something just shifted and they should, they, Something kept shifting These should they keep us depleted because we think we should keep doing these things.

And instead of resting, And also some of us don't even feel safe to rest. We don't know what that feels like.

We don't know what to do. Our minds are so busy. There is Always something more important. It seems, it appears Because many of us are stuck in fight or flight.

I'm just releasing this through the four physical or four energetic bodies, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Is that good?

Yes. Okay. I definitely feel some shifts. Now. We're going to put angelic light and support there. I have goosebumps. I'm seeing us now like football linebackers, but with energy protection instead of like the heaviness of the should.

So we have like this thick padding of divine energy that is nourishing us and releasing, continuing to continuing to release the sheds.

So that feels good. Okay. We're definitely going to work on the adrenals, but is there anything else we need to do before that?

No. No. Okay. This is, these are, this is the good stuff I'm getting, getting teary-eyed. Our poor bodies it's really unfair.

Again, not your fault. It is society, Especially with so much going on. And for the past few years, our bodies have lived in Fight or flight in, in this fear And this, you know, like health fear,  Money, fear, survival, fear so much, and some more than others with all the The rights being taken away.

And then the in being afraid of the police, there's just so much. And so We're going to love our bodies today.

We're going to love our adrenals.  I'm going to work on our right side first, if for some reason, my heart wants to be held.

So maybe we are connecting our adrenals to our heart. We're supercharging our adrenals. I'm not exactly sure, but it feels good to you.

You can place one hand on your heart and the other on your lower back, where your adrenals are above, above your kidneys.

No. Okay. What should we do here? Do we know? I don't think we need to release. I think we just need to fill up.

Yes. Okay. So you can imagine a bright divine light going into your adrenals. You're right. Adrenals. I'm getting like one of those visions of cartoons where someone's out in the desert and they're dying of thirst, and then they find something and they're just like drinking it and guzzling it.

And that's what I see with our adrenals. They're just loving this energy Is that good? Yes. Okay. Now we're going to the other one.

Should we release this now? We're just filling up. Yes. I'm getting sick. I'm getting emotional. I really feel like our heart is telling our adrenals that it's okay.

That things have felt really heavy and maybe hopeless and, and they just feel weary. And the heart is like, okay, we've got this.

We're going to support you as best we can because now the heart is free to do so since we worked on it earlier, Our bodies just want to thrive.

You know, I have to remind myself that think about nature and how The flowers grow in the cracks of the sidewalks.

Our bodies want to do the same. And I know, wow, I'm getting really much. I know when we look back at this time in the future, when we are safe and things are better, that we will just be like, I can't believe I survived that and how stressed I was.

And it'll just be a Testament to how strong your body is. Even though you might feel, you know, not very strong right now.

Maybe you feel exhausted so exhausted, or you can't, you can't imagine anything different. But I think, I think our bodies are doing the best they can.

So sending some love to all of our bodies as we continue to send love and divine light to our adrenals.

Anything else? No. Anything with adrenals? Yes. Should I keep doing this? Would know something together? No. Okay. There's something here we need to do with our adrenals.

Let me tap in. I'm just imagining hugging our adrenals. Is that what it wants? That's one thing at once. What else does it want?

I'm not sure. And perhaps it's so different for so many of us. So I'm just going to send some energy your way.

So your body and your, and your, your spirit team can do what ever it wants with it regarding your adrenals.

So,  <inaudible> I think one thing we're doing is integrating either this new energy or a new story. I'm not exactly sure, but we're integrating it into the body.

The adrenal wants to resonate with the whole body. So we're doing that. Okay. Are we good? Yes. Anything else before we wrap up?

Yes. Let me know how you're feeling. Are you feeling less exhausted, more vibrant? Like your energy feels stronger. I think we are going to just raise our whole energy levels so you can imagine your energy.

Should we do breathing? Yes. Okay. Let's do a breathing exercise From the feet. Yes. So from the bottoms of your feet, I want you to breathe in And imagine your energy getting brighter.

And then when you exhale, you're going to go from the top of your head, down to your feet. And I want you to imagine that your energy getting wider.

Okay. So it's on the count of five. So we're starting at her feet. So breathe them with me. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, your energies, bright exhale.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5. It is wide. So keep that cycle to yourself and imagine that with me. Keep that up. I'm going to call back all your energy to yourself Is very common to give it away, have it be stolen or taken.

And we are just calling it back to you through a time and space past present future, and all timelines. You exist.

Okay. Now, when I want you to breathe in, I want you to see your bright light, just so bright And then when you exhale, I just want, like, this is almost like a Starburst.

It just go Out all directions. You're covering your city, your county, your state, your country with your light, because it is so big.

So strong. It's covering your hemisphere, both hemispheres Before we integrate we are going to shield ourselves and we are shielding ourselves to keep our energy and to keep other folks energy out, to protect us from the collective.

I there's a lot of folks who say that. Some, if you're like a, Lightworker like a star seed, or you feel really like if you were here for, for some purpose to help shift the energy of the world, folks say that, you know, perhaps they have to help shift the collective.

And I believe that like, I believe me just being here alive is enough to shift the collective. I do not need to transmute the energy for them.

That was asking too much for me, especially right now, it is too exhausting to, to stay open. It is harmful to, for me to keep my energy open, to, to help transmute things.

So whatever you believe I work really hard on keeping my energy safe for me, including the collective trauma. So We are just shielding ourselves.

You can imagine Perhaps a scarf around your head. You can imagine putting Rosemary over your head, over your body. You can imagine a force field, whatever feels good to you.

We're just going to shield your energy. Now let's integrate If it feels good folks like to draw figure aids that helps integrate the energy into your body.

And also folks feel good when they do it. So you can try it. Are we good? Yes. So we're integrated.

Let's ground real quick. And then I will pull a card for us.  So feel where you're sitting on the chair on the sofa, I feel your body get heavy.

Perhaps your legs start to pulse or tingle, And you see a bright white light come out from the base of your spine, fill your pelvis, go down your legs, pool into your feet.

And then that light comes out of your feet and goes down, straight into the earth. And then to a thick roots come out of that root.

So it just grows and grounds and, and, and keeps you safe and sturdy and stable. And it's also a way for the earth to, to help support your energy, to have that flow.

So it can release the things that you need to release effortlessly. Take a few deep breaths. How do you feel I'm going to return your energy to you?

So I'm stopping the energy flow, return your energy back to you. Return my energy back to me. Yes, Yes. And then I'm going to pull a card.

If you're new here, we do this every first Thursday of the month. I have Older ones on my blog that you can check out.

And I also have quite a few energy healings in my shop that, that for purchase. And one of my favorite ones that's coming to mind right now is a grounding and protection and clearing one.

It might be really helpful for folks. It's a set of three. I think I'm pretty sure. Yeah. And you can listen to it whenever you need.

It's a prerecorded and yeah, you can have it and listen to her, everyone to protect your energy. Okay. What message do we need for today?

This is the star seat or a call. Just to let you know, if you're listening to this more than likely You are a big energetic, like you have a big, energetic purpose here.

I seem to attract those folks. So please continue to do this work to, to support yourself because it's been exhausting.

So many people are exhausted. So we've got breath of the cosmos, my will to thy will micro-managing the universe. I don't know if I've ever received this card before.

I'm excited to read it. Breadth of the cosmos. It's so funny when we rely on our own well, we're micromanaging the universe and resisting the natural flow of life.

We're not trusting the mysterious breath of life. We're rejecting the great cosmic intelligence and relying. Instead on our personal strength.

When we do this, we find ourselves attempting to bend things to our will. We spend our time trying. We spend our time forcing, pushing, and living from a space of trying to everyone around us can feel it.

And the universe can too. You're being called to stop micromanaging the universe and trust the breath of life to surrender to the greater will that God has for you to move from my will to thy will.

When you surrender to the greater will of life, you begin dancing with the rest of life. When you bow to the great mystery and say, please use me, please show me the way.

Little by little, you find yourself living your most fulfilling, authentic life. When you surrender your personal will, when you relinquish control and the things Release.

When you relinquish control and release the way you think things should be and surrender to the greater, will you find yourself being led?

You begin breathing the breath of life. I'm being called out right now. I'm not sure about you. So should we do this together?

Yes. So this is the star seed activation. So we're going to do it together. And so you can say this after me, you can imagine this going to your heart.

This feels heavy. I'm willing to stop relying on my own strength and personal agenda. And instead surrender to the deep to the breath of life, dear God, or whatever you believe helped me move from my will to thy will please lead me.

Please show me the way I was getting a lot of, since we worked so much with the sheds today that we are shooting ourselves.

And perhaps what if we tried to surrender to the things we, we, we feel like we have to do, but perhaps like we there's a flow there.

Something to think about. I'm so glad everyone also got called out with me. So remember to try to go with the flow.

If that feels safe, you can practice it. You can try it, try it out. You can listen to this energy healing again.

I will definitely be listening to this later tonight. I feel, I always say that, but so true. Thank you so much for being here with me on this community energy, Thursdays, it is an honor to, to be here and be a guide.

And to, to, to, to support you as a reminder, you are the Hugh, he, Ooh, you are the hero of your own journey.

So this is all you, you are so magnificent and wonderful, and I hope you feel great to go to go, do whatever you need to do, including take a nap.

If that's what you feel like you need to do, I will see you next month. And if you're interested in supporting me again, I have those energy healings of the prerecorded in my shop.

You can find it on my website and I have a membership that will be opening back up in August. It's pretty great called Sunday nurse club.

And I think, I assume we'll open my one-on-one. So stay tuned and you can sign up for my newsletter to learn more and Lincoln bio.

I will see you later, friends.


You Deserve Joy & Pleasure


Energy Healing: Calling in Divine Connection