Energy Healing to Connect to Love Now

energy healing for love, self love, to connect to heart center, integrated energy therapy

Energy healing to let your heart overflow

Transcript Below

This is some concentrated heart energy and it’s going to open your heart up and connect you to that feel-good loving feeling.

Your heart will fill overfilled as we released some heart heaviness and sent loving blasts of energy to your heart, to future and past versions of you, and to the world. 

PS: This is from February 2023’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minute group energy healing for anyone to enjoy.

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*As a reminder, this is not medical advice or support. It does not attempt to advise, diagnose, treat, or cure illness.


Okay, so welcome everyone. This is community energy thursday, my favorite time of the month to be honest. And it's where we, we support each other.

We we give energy to the community, we receive energy and we make the world a little better of a place, you know, one by one. And tonight we're going to be working with the heart space. We're gonna be working with love and we're really just gonna see what pops up. So let's get started.

Just really take a few deep breaths, really feel into where you're sitting. And if you're new welcome, I'm ryan energy with ryan and I am an energy healer and intuitive. My modality is called integrative energy therapy, which is similar to ricky. I'm about to get an advanced practitioner. I'm about to get my uh master instructor certificate at the end of this month.

So the next time I ceo I will have new knowledge on my fingertips and I'm very excited to share what I've learned. Okay, really take note. I think of how you're feeling right now, how your, how your heart feels, how your body feels. Actually let's rate, let's rate our heart space.

So on a scale of, you know, 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Your heart is overflowing excited. Expansive and one is like the grinch, you know, nothing. It feels like you can't connect to it. It might feel a little uh contract ivar rate yourself.

Let me tune in to see what mine is. Okay so there's some fours. I also feel like a four right now. So seven oh nice connected but a little stiff five a bit disconnected. Okay, so let's see where we can get that at the end. And also you know, moving you know 4 to 5 is a huge jump.

Do not uh do not get to involved with how far your numbers are. Just like any little bit helps. That's up. That's what I need to always tell myself as well. Okay so first I'm going to wrap us all up in a big bubble of light and that which only serves your most loving, joyful, kindest, healthiest, pleasurable, wisest uh greatest good and divine law and order can come through this bubble.

We thank our spirit team for being here. Our beloved ancestors. Our beloved past ones, our angels are spirit guides are master healers and helpers and we thank the earth, we thank you for being with us for allowing us to live here. We thank those who have steward the land for so many generations.

We thank the land that we're currently on right now and we asked both the earth and our spirit team to be with us right now to help us heal. We need to heal shift. We need to shift, release what we need to release here, what we need to hear um in a way that works best for you and your mind body and spirit in a gentle way.

In a loving way. Okay so now I'm going to connect your energy and it's a great time to set an intention. You can really, you know focus on your heart, maybe there's something that's weighing you down, maybe you just want to feel better, maybe you want to get a little playful and I don't know, see if you can connect to something in your heart space, who knows?

The intention is yours, you can say it out loud if you'd like and I'm going to connect your energy, I'd like to rephrase what I said, I think it's best when you do say it out loud. I mean I don't keep on mute and wherever you are, if you're watching the recording, like just say it out loud, I think that's really powerful to the universe to like speak what you want into existence and you can share it in the chat if you'd like, we can hype you up.

The energy I'm seeing is so beautiful. It's like giving us all a big hug. I see us all kind of in this liminal internet space in a in a circle and the energy is like wrapping around us and just like giving us a hug that's beautiful and a reminder that this energy that I use is not my personal energy. I am becoming a conduit.

I accept I receive energy from angels, the angels and that is the energy I use. So you never have to be like, what if her energy is stinky or has she, has she cleansed her aura recently? Yes, okay. I'm in, let's read some of these intentions to feel free and safe to express my heart, connect more to my heart and move out of the trauma and and move the trauma and heaviness out to stay connected to the joy that is driving my current big life changes.

These are exciting. Mine is also just really feel that expansiveness february. You know, it's valentine's day and I used to be very cynical and now I've been now I'm like I'm going to be a valentine's day girly, I got my read on but something about this month feels very heart open to me, very heart centric and yeah, I think it's this also like this new moon or this full moon um that's coming up this weekend.

Also you can watch this any time. It doesn't need to be during this full moon or during valentine's day or whatever. So I'm really just glad we're all going to be working on our heart space now. How interesting. Mm okay. Typically when I connect to y'all's energy, I feel I connect to the body.

Like I can kind of like see the energies in the body that's the image I see? We're not even close to the body right now. We're far off. And so what does this mean? That collective nia. Yes. So collective as ours. No. What can we do with this? It's a past now.

Future. Yes. Okay. This has never happened before. Something. So energy knows no time or space and we can send energy to our past selves. We can send energy, you know, to our ancestors to little us to future us. And right now it feels like the energy is coming from the future.

Um, so I'm just going to hold this space perhaps its energy from our future selves. I like to connect to my future self a lot. I journal to her. I meditate to her and I've been able to get, you know, different ages of her. And so I wonder if this is trying to connect us to our future selves and the love that they have for us.

Can we release? Yes. So we're just going to release. We did something. I'm not feeling the future energy anymore. So that's good. We've we've done something. Help shift something there. Well, someone said doesn't need a hug to be received and accepted our hearts. That sounds really, really good.

Let's do that, wow! The whole world just got brighter. So hug loving energy to yourself. I'm not sure about y'all, but I know the past few years have been very challenging for so many of us and there's been so much pain and suffering and violence going on in the world and I think it's really easy and sometimes good to like remove yourself so you're not being like inundated with all that information and, and and harm but it also feels like maybe we've settled too far away and we're protecting us from anything like everything because it's like I don't know if this is a good or bad but I honestly just like can't take any more and I get that I understand and so we are setting the intention to do this in a way that feels the best for you in your body, in your mind and your spirit right now to just feel that love, universal love, divine love, angelic love, earth love whatever you'd like to imagine ass.

I really like to work with the trees and imagine the trees giving me hug giving and sharing their love so we're going to receive this love yeah. And whenever you need, I'm getting this image, I want you to imagine putting on a cloak or like a scarf whatever color you like whatever it feels like and wrapping wrapping it around your body and knowing that that is you know, love from the trees love from the universe and any time you need it, you can imagine putting that on it could be a physical, real blanket, scarf cloak whatever or you can just imagine it but that's what I'm seeing like they have this for you when you need it really snow setting intention to send energy to our heart space and also please give yourself love and thanks for being here right now.

You know, you could be doing anything else in the world, maybe eating popcorn being on tiktok, but you're here and there's so much love for yourself. So just really give yourself that gratitude. Really we how do I wanna phrase this love from your future self love, current, you and from your past self love current you and then love your past selves and your future selves for doing this for being here for doing whatever.

Feels good. I feel like the future self is saying you don't need to fear change anymore. We have had a couple of years of hard change. This change feels like soft loving change. I feel that it has been really challenging for so many that word soft. I'm really feeling like like we all deserve that soft love for ourselves receiving it, giving it, I want you to imagine your heart space.

I want you to imagine like a milkshake or a um milkshake or like a pool or like a pond and imagine that container of water or liquid is filled with love from the universe, your guides, your angels, the earth. And I want you to see a straw.

This is what I'm seeing. I want you to see a straw. I have a little straw here right. Just have it come to your heart space and have your heart just like soaking it up. It's just like slurping it in and this pool, this milkshake, this body of water is infinite.

It never runs out. It's always replenished. You can never have enough. You're not too greedy or not asking for too much an infinite well of love. I feel that love is it's over filling our heart, but just really going down the body into our legs, our arms, our organs are back.

And I'm even starting to see more of n like an aura around us. Like, like the love is so much. It's kind of like peeking from our physical body reminder, drink that water, preferably with some sort of minerals in it. Tea fruit juices. Uh because energy work to complete our our mineral water stores.

Should we pull out here? Yeah. Trying to release some things that are ready to go. Okay. I feel some I feel that many of us are actually holding a lot of physical sensation in our hearts. Maybe it feels heavy, like physically heavy. Maybe it feels like like heartbreak or pain because I can feel that while we're releasing it, we're just letting go.

Whatever needs to go. Well, yes, some of our hearts would like to hold onto some of this stuff, but you don't need to, but it can be scary like who are you without this? Perhaps it has protected. You perhaps it's felt safe, but so you can release whatever you want to release at your own time.

And I always tell folks you can release it and then if if you want it back, you can always uh you can always take it back. Okay well something shifted with that. That feels good. Okay now we're just going to fill the heart space with love. I want you to imagine something before we start to get ready to ground and I want you to imagine this like reciprocal circle, but it's all versions of you, it's you know, little you baby you future self you if you believe in past lives, it could be past versions of you, the future lives of you and I want you to see yourself giving love to those versions of you and then receiving that love back from your other selves.

So you can feel this exchange and welcome it into your body. And that could be, I don't know like 50 imaginary use, it could be one of you, it could be two of you, whatever it feels right. And if that doesn't feel comfortable, you can always imagine a pet a loved one, a tree. I love the trees, wow, something just shifted like, like I saw like a heavy stone barrier and that just like kind of crumbled while doing this.

So we just released and gave to the angels all of that that they can take away, feel that energy receive it, you deserve it receiving can sometimes be the most challenging part and now I want you to imagine a bright shower of light which is angelic light, divine light, universal light, whatever you'd like to imagine and we're going to imagine that light in the love from you know that you're giving to yourself, you're giving to um this whole like energetic world of us.

I want you to kind of capture that and harness it into different body parts as I say them aloud, I want you to send that energy to those spaces. So your feet, imagine the love from the angels, the universe yourselves in that in your feet, your shins and calves, your knees, your thighs, your pelvis and your butt, your stomach, lower back, your chest and your middle and upper back your heart, space your neck, your face, my shoulders, your hands, your arms and your elbows, the top of your head, your whole body is maybe pulsing with this energy.

Now I want you to see the earth or however you like to imagine like our world, our our giant community that is the earth, mankind and the animals and all of that. I want you now that you have this overflowing energy. I want you to send some to this version of earth to spread it around and know that when you light someone up they are able to light you up back they can spread it and so this whole vision of earth is just like this giant love bubble.

I want you to place your hands on your heart, you can put some, some pressure there, rub it. I want you to say one thing. You're grateful for gratitude to your heart space. Thank you for being so loving, thank you for having for caring about animals. Thank you for loving me so well whatever it is, okay take a deep breath we're going to a ground now so really feel into your chair, you can start to move around kind of shake move your arms and your legs, your neck.

I want you to see a big bright white light at the base of your spine, it's getting bigger and warmer. That light is going down your legs pooling in the bottom of your feet. This is that earth grounded energy. I want you to see your feet open up and then two thick roots go down down, down, down deep into the middle of the earth and then your feet open up and then two thick roots go no then your roots go out in all directions, keeping you stable, sturdy, really connected to the earth and then we're going to wrap you up in your own bubble.

This is your protection bubble that you can go on through the rest of your day and week. We're filling this up with that earth and angelic energy really mixing it in. You can imagine an angel or a tree wrapping their arms around this bubble for extra protection. Take two deep breaths with me.

Okay I'm going to thank the earth. Thank you earth. Thank you spirit team for being with us for helping us heal and shift and integrate and here what we needed to do and please continue to let this healing be gentle and support ourselves going on through the rest of our days. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. And I'm going to disconnect our energy. So disconnecting your energy sending it back to you when I call back my own energy to me. How do you feel? Let me know how you're feeling. Check into your heart space again on a scale of 1-10.

1 being abysmal 10 being the best. You can imagine. How does it feel a 7? I was a four and now I feel like an eight. Some more sevens. That's great. A lot more connected. I'm so, so grateful for that shift. I hope your heart space feels.

Yeah, more open, more, more connected. You deserve all that love that you feel. You deserve to receive it. Oh someone's feeling like a nine. Soft and expansive. We're not, we're not in a race, but that's a pretty great number.

Let's pull a card. This is from my inquire within deck a message for us. This february. That's that let it flow, let it grow, which is honestly perfect because we are in the realm of in bulk right now which is all about kind of that very beginning end of winter.

Spring energy. I know some of us live in very cold places, so like spring is two months out, but this is that that kind of in between time where things are starting to like percolate after winter being so so much darker, let it flow, let it grow.

I also see that with the heart space, let it flow. Let that love grow so grateful that you're here again. Thank yourselves and give yourself a big, big hug, big big sigh. Whatever feels good to you. I'm so grateful that you're here.

And yeah, I will see you in march and I'll have some some new magic at my fingers. Have a wonderful time, my friend. And if you don't forget to drink your water, you know, go outside. If you if that feels good, put your feet on the ground and I will talk to you later.


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