Your 2022 Oracle Message

oracle messages for your 2022 new year for your zodiac big three

A new year is upon us. Are you ready to see what messages the Universe has for you in 2022?

These messages are broken up via zodiac signs, so make sure to check your big three — sun, moon, & rising. Or your whole chart if you wanna be extra.

ARIES: View from Above
“Get the big picture.”

Like they say, don’t sweat the small stuff. This year, try not to get bogged down in all the small details. This is where you will find your strength. Make sure you frequently zoom out to the 3,000 ft level to remember what’s important.

TAURUS & GEMINI: Watching Clouds
“Lie back, rest, and relax.”

This is your year for renewal; a time to lean into your breath and be present. You step into your power when you choose peace. Plus, in those quiet and peaceful moments, you will feel more connected to the Universe and receive messages to help you on your journey.

CANCER: Uncovering Treasure
“Beneath the surface lies great bounty.”

Something extraordinary is in store for you this new year and perhaps you just need to shift your perspective to find it. Release any doubts that stand in your way between you and all the abundant treasure awaiting you. Trust that you are so very worthy and deserving of all the good things.

LEO & AQUARIUS: Passion & Pleasure
“Savor your life.”

Lean into joy and the wonderful this year. Let yourself choose the things that make you happy; find the pleasure every day. Remember, life doesn’t need to be hard or full of suffering. Allow yourself to be happy, give yourself all the permission.

VIRGO: Crossing Bridges
“It’s time for healing, connecting, mending, and releasing.”

This year you start a new cycle and you are leaving behind all the things that you don’t need to carry anymore. Release. Heal. Continue moving forward. On the other side of this bridge, there is so much abundance ready for you.

LIBRA: Gates of Triumph
“Success expands in your life.”

There is no doubting your success this year. Believe in yourself and your journey with all your heart because there is nothing you can’t do. There is no “failing", only learning and growing.

SCORPIO: Wandering Path
“Enjoy the journey.”

This year, trust that you are being led to exactly where you need to go. Slice through the thoughts that have you second guessing your next steps or that you aren’t where you should be. In those moments, take a deep breath and be courageous enough to enjoy the ride.

SAGITTARIUS: Stepping Into Your Power
“You are strong beyond measure.”

You are not only reclaiming your power back this year, but you’re stepping fully into being, into your divine feminine. This is a space where you will find your inner strength, abundance, and connect deeper to the divine. And know by stepping into this, you light the way for others.

CAPRICORN: Rainbow Blessings
“Blessings are showering your life.”

So much goodness is coming your way and it’s time for you to receive it all. This year you’re releasing any blocks separating you from your abundance, including any blessings in your life that you might be overlooking right now. Trust deeply that you are worthy of it all.

PISCES: Choosing Your Path
“All is possible.”

This year you’re dreaming and achieving bigger than ever and releasing any limitations you have — including those that aren’t even yours. You get to live a life of your own design and create your own damn rules. And once you choose your path, get ready for swift transformation.

PS: If you are interested in goal setting and planning out your 2022, sign up for the waitlist for Setting Course Workshop dropping at end of Jan 2022.

It’s an interactive workshop with an energy healing boost designed to help you get intentional and manifest your best year yet!

Singing up also gets you some cool freebies, future-self visualization and a Notion workbook that gets you clear about your life and goals.


Monthly Round Up: December


Hibernating for New Year’s