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Sacral Center

Joy | Pleasure | Life-force Energy


Our Sacral center contains our life-force energy.

It’s the energy center that tells us to move forward, to do, to create. It holds joy and pleasure and sensuality and gives us that aliveness!

It’s also the center that can so easily be burnt out and sucked dry.



Disconnected from you body.

You are not alone if you feel this way.


You deserve to experience a life full of pleasure!

You deserve to live a life full of rested ease!

You deserve to feel inspired and hopeful and full of aliveness! 

Are you ready to take on this deconditioning adventure together? 

Sign up for the Sacral healing workshop!

(hoping to drop late 2021)

Can’t wait until the workshop?

Check out the
Sacral Healing Energy Booster!

This is an instant energy healing download to reignite your inner life force.


In this energy healing booster you will:

  • Gently release limiting beliefs, generational baggage, and any stuck emotions regarding your Sacral center, including erasing the programming of hyper-productivity and anti-rest 

  • Allow your body to feel safe in having its own cycles and seasons

  • Nourish and support your Sacral from burnout 

  • Imprint pleasure and joy and creativity into your body

  • And BONUS: inspire you to take your next joyful action