Podcast: The Mirror with Sarah & Ryan

The Mirror with Sarah & Ryan podcast brings tarot and energy healing together.

You are not alone.

We are mirrors for you, and you can see yourself in us. No matter how far along you are on your personal development or spiritual journey, you’re never “done” healing.

Healing is beautiful (and sometimes tumultuous) journey. We want to hold your hand and walk the path together.

Remember: we are humans and support is critical to our health, development, and happiness.

Let’s reflect together!

 What is the Mirror?

Sarah and Ryan wanted to bring their modalities together to support the community so they created an inclusive sisterhood circle, where they went really in depth. Today, the sisterhood circle has transformed into this podcast. Because energy doesn’t know space and time. 😉

  • Energy healing supports your energetic body, your subconscious, imprinting possibilities of success, growth, happiness, and limitless beliefs.

  • Tarot reading is like a mirror realm into your subconscious, reflecting anything that's ready to come up and be healed.

Community isn’t a modality, it’s our true nature. We were meant to be together. Both Ryan and Sarah have extensive experience facilitating and participating in groups and sisterhoods. They have created a space where, together, we feel our feelings. Some days that means celebrating our successes, some days that means crying out the heartbreaks. All emotions are welcome here and all of it is medicine. All of these together are gentle and supportive practices that incorporate shadow work and also are softening and empowering.

The community and healing tools aspect come together in such a way that you become unstoppable. We're rewriting your future together. And, when you listen to the podcast, you’re telling the universe that you’re ready to step into your power.


What People Are Saying

This has been amazing and so magickal for me. I am so very thankful to you guys for holding space for me. I didn't know that women could support each other so completely and without judgement or letting ego take over. I felt we are all equal.


It’s been an amazing experience, meeting like-minded and inspirational sisters. …Since starting my journey I found I have the gift of clairalience. I can’t wait to discover more about me.


Who are Sarah & Ryan?


I'm Sarah and I'm an intuitive tarot reader. 

After years spent doing my own “inner work” and sitting in an intense in-person sisterhood circle — I’ve been able to dissolve away so much of the tough facade that I held in place to protect me.

I used to have a very fixed mindset. I always had to have “the answer,” I always had to be the leader, to be in charge, and I never ever let my mask slip. Truthfully, before I went to sit every week in sisterhood circle, I was not that happy.

I was broke, caught in a cycle of low-earning and didn’t think I was worthy of much more (or was even afraid of what I’d do if I had more!) My relationship with my romantic partner was strained, my friendships felt “thin.” And even when I managed to land my “dream job,” I never felt at peace and ended up losing it anyway.

Through my shadow work, tarot reading, self-love, and manifestation practices — now, I live each day in ultimate gratitude. I feel blissful, my inner-child radiates with light. I’m finally friends with people who lift me up, I see my relationship with fresh eyes, and I’ve even landed my next “dream job.”

None of it would have been possible without what I learned in sisterhood, and I’m so excited to bring a circle aspect to tarot reading in conjunction with Ryan. When we come together, it’s really restorative, transformative, and has given me the confidence to stand up for myself, to know I’m supported, and to go after my true heart’s desire.

I can’t wait to meet my new sisters (of all genders) to come together to experience the benefits of tarot, energy work, sisterhood, and the magic of a safe container for our growth.

What People Are Saying

Sarah’s natural intuitive gift is mesmerizing. She was able to connect and express my tarot card reading in a clear and compassionate way that made me feel comfortable, rejuvenated and passionate about exploring certain areas in my life on a deeper level. I greatly enjoyed my reading with her and encourage those who are seeking to evolve more in their spiritual lives to definitely reach out to this beautiful soul and tarot card reader. She’s kind and absolutely wonderful!

Chas G.

Sarah’s reading reached me in a way that felt so familiar and so new at the same time. She explained each card so beautifully and connected them seamlessly to one another. She asked thoughtful questions and listened without judgement, creating a safe space to wonder and chat freely about the cards’ messages. Sarah has an incredible gift for making you feel seen, heard and understood through the tarot.

Lilly P.

Ryan is a powerful energy healer who channels love from Source. I felt so safe and protected during our session. It was like a hot soothing bath for my soul. I highly recommend to everyone I meet. We all need help in realigning our energy. We are onslaught thousands of times a day by external forces. This helped me feel so grounded and removed many blocks. It helped me move forward with confidence and ease.

Jackie S.

My session with Ryan was wonderful. She held a deeply comforting, supportive space for me to connect with my ancestors and we were able to release some stuck energy regarding things that have been holding me back, but were not mine. Its hard to put into words what happens during a session with Ryan, but I left with a feeling of peace and empowerment that feels priceless. Thank you so much Ryan...you have a wonderful gift!

Stephanie C.

I’m Ryan and I’m an energy worker and guide.

When I first started my spiritual and healing journey nearly 10 years ago, I was doing what I saw others do — getting into crystals, doing yoga, only allowing myself to be positive, meditating and then getting angry at myself when I broke my daily routine… I felt better, but it felt kinda shallow. Not exactly that “soul makeover” (inspired by Cher from Clueless) that I was expecting. Then I learned about the inner work — shadow work, reprogramming beliefs, loving and forgiving myself — and incorporated that into my life and that’s where I began to truly transform and shine. 

I remember the exact moment it all clicked for me. I was looking at myself in my bathroom mirror: I was burnt out, my health fried from a toxic job and Grad school and lack of support, and I had just finished a scathing monologue to myself about how I was such a disappointment to myself, that I wasn’t where I should be, and I just needed to do more and be better.

And I realized that I couldn’t keep living like this. I needed to be nicer to myself. I needed to unwind these bogus expectations and beliefs that weren’t even realistic and making me miserable. I needed to stop taking and taking from myself and fill up my own cup. 

So I went deep within and gave myself what I needed. I accepted myself as I was at that moment. I allowed myself to get vulnerable and feel my feelings. I incorporated energy healing, shadow work, and joy work into my life.

It was through this self-work and self-love that I saw the most upleveling. I am more at peace. I am hopeful. I am kind to myself and my body.  I ditched the toxic jobs, stepped into my own power, and now am working towards being an energy healer full time — allowing myself to shine in my calling and support others through their own healing journey. 

Doing this work changed my life and I’m so honored to come together and stand by you on your own journey. Community care on its own is transformative; add in some tarot, energy healing, and a dash of magic and its pretty damn unstoppable.



PS: Two reasons why we love community so much? It helps cure our loneliness hangover and can help you create deep friendships.

 Sarah and Ryan’s work has been featured in:

Legal Disclaimer: the “energy healing” and “tarot reading” in The Mirror Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. The hosts are not licensed healthcare providers, and the podcast content is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. Please talk to your doctor or licensed professional for any and all health concerns.