
Energy Healing Sessions

Restored | Recharged | Deep Healing

You are worthy of a life of joy and ease!

Energy is everything.
When our energy is vibrating low, we feel stuck, anxious, depressed. We get bogged down by limiting beliefs that keep us from our power, from our joy, from our greatness.

When our energy is vibrating high, we feel good. We are healthier, feel lighter, are more connected to nature, the Universe, God. We feel joyful, more present, grounded. We are able to call in desires, fulfill our life’s purpose and live a heart-centered life of our dreams.

So why aren’t we all living a high vibe life?

There’s a lot of stuff that gets in the way - unprocessed and stuck emotions, negative subconscious beliefs, trauma, the modern hustle and capitalistic mentality, just to name a few. We accumulate a lot of these blocks throughout our years of ignoring our energetic body and it creates stagnation in our energy field.

There are many modalities that work on the energetic body: breath work, Reiki, acupuncture, yoga, etc.... My special brand of energy work is Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) and I am an Advanced level practitioner.

IET uses channeled angelic energy to gently release blocks and negative beliefs from our cellular memory and integrates a high-frequency empowered energy. It reduces stress and makes you feel lighter and more rejuvinated while promoting healing on all levels.


 Energy healing sessions are here to support you and your energetic body in feeling good! It uses channeled energy ( Integrated Energy Therapy - IET) to release stagnant and old ick from your field while integrating high-frequency angelic love.


In each session we will:

  • Clear cellular memory points that are holding onto stagnant feelings/emotions/beliefs.

    • In IET, there are 9 memory points, similar to meridians or acupressure points, that can hold onto old energy. Some examples of these include the head, third eye, throat and lungs, shoulders, stomach and adrenals, and kidneys.

    • An 80 minute session includes clearing of all 9 points. A 50 minute session includes clearing 4-5 points that your body feels most pressing at the moment.

  • Release blocks and limiting beliefs through your 4 energy bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

  • Imprint high-frequency angelic energy into your energy field.

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Energy Healing Session -


50 minutes | $85

10 minute consultation
35 minute energy work
5 minute wrap up
Clearing 4-5 points

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Energy Healing Session -


75 minutes | $125

10 minute consultation
60 minute energy work
5 minute wrap up
Clearing 9 points


Interested in booking?
Want to talk more to see if we’d be a good fit?


Have questions? Checkout the FAQ page HERE.


“I totally felt it. It was wildly in sync for me and I totally felt an energy release.  I felt a positive effect mind/body/spirit from it tonight. Thank you for sharing your energy and your work 🙏🏻💜😊”



“I feel so much lighter!”



“I loved my session with Ryan because it was a reflective container and a space to be with my body. Her advice to me gave me a lot of ideas for how to support me and my energy and some new avenues to explore. It was clear that she was gifted, since she was able to pick up at all my "trouble" areas without knowing about them or laying a hand on me. I'm looking forward to the next session.

- Sarah