Energy Healing: Supporting Your 2022 Vision

energy healing to support your 2022 vision with a future-self visualization. on a yellow background with black and white background

What seeds are you ready to plant for 2022?

Transcript Below

This energy healing is here to release the limiting beliefs getting in your way of your 2022 vision/desire. The energy healing is also here to support you on your journey by connecting with your future-self. Just think, they’ve already been there done that and achieved your dreams so they were able to give you clues/messages for how to best support yourself and your new goal.

Remember to not get too bogged down in the small details. Or the voices of folks who say it’s impossible.

You are the exception to the rule. Hold your vision and your hope. It’s here for you!

Do you want to go deeper and receive every more energy healing and manifestation magic for your 2022 vision?

Then check out my new workshop: Setting Course. Sun, Jan 30th at 12pm ET.

PS: This is from January 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minutes of energy healing that's intuitively guided.

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Okay. So I'm going to take us deep breath. You take a couple deep breaths. Okay. I'm wrapping us up in a pink bubble of light that which only serves your highest and greatest good can come through.

And we're first going to thank the earth. Thank you earth for all of your blessings, for so many resources for allowing us to be here.

And we thank those who have stewarded the land for so many generations past, present and future. We thank all of our spirit team, our guides, ancestors, master healers, master helpers, spirit animals, no animal spirits, spirit animals is offensive and not a white person term.

And so we're just asking you to watch over us now to help guide us, to help us receive any messages we need to receive and to thank you for watching over us this entire time.

The goal for me for this session is to help connect to our vision, to help you know, this 20, 22 vision for ourselves, because we're now about to hit spring.

It's about to be the lunar new year. Imbolc is happening. We're about to plant our seed. So let's plant our internal seed.

So you create your own intention. I want you to say that to yourself right now. And you may also, if you feel up to it, put some emojis in the chat of your own intention, and I'm going to connect to your entertain.

If you're new to energy work, you might burp. I burp. I don't love it, but it happens. Feel cool, feel heat just any sort of sensations and it's okay.

You can let them pass. Okay. I'm in. Oh, I love the emojis. If I was putting in my emojis, it would be like hearts with flames, lots of those.

Some money sunflowers, rainbows, a hug, the hug emoji a new home emojis. Okay. It feels good to like, kind of shake it out.

So shake out your body. We're just going to release any old heaviness. Anything that doesn't, you don't need to bring over into this new, this new cycle, this new rebirth we're about to, Okay.

And we're just giving it to the angels. I'm feeling really called to pull a card. So I'm going to do that.

Excuse the loud noise of shuffling. Anything else you need to know? So interesting. I got the five of swords eyes.

I use the swords a lot in this type of work for subconscious beliefs. You know, it's, it's the mental, it's the thoughts.

And so we're fighting with something. And then I also got the hanged man, which is all about differing trying to look at a different perspective.

And so I really believe that we need to release our limiting beliefs that we have so we can believe in ourselves, believe that we can do this thing.

And so I want you to think of something you want to bring in for 20, 22. And then I want you to think why you can't have that thing.

For example, I don't know. I want 10,000 people to subscribe to my newsletter. I'm at less than a hundred right now.

Does that seem like a little farfetched and like two months I could have 10,000 subscriber. Yeah. So I'm going to think that's my thought, right?

Like that's my limiting belief. That's like, that's not possible. Like I can totally be possible. So just think of that limiting belief.

Wow. I really feel these limiting beliefs kind of like just like swords in our bodies that are just kind of blocking our energy egetic flow and we need to release them.

So can I just release them all at once? Yes. So I'm imagining a big magnet, like those kind I've really been using this visualization a lot from construction sounds when they have that big crane and they have a big magnet, we're just going to supercharge it.

So all the swords, all those limiting beliefs on that thing you want is there coming out, all the swords are going to the magnet And we're just putting that magnet over our body and letting any sores are ready to leave any limiting beliefs leave Good?

Yes. Okay. So now we're going to put love and Empowerment in the spots that the swords were. Let me know how that limiting belief feels.

I want you to remember that. Well, first let's go back a little bit. Where is that limiting belief coming from?

Is that your voice mine is from society. Like, that's just what happens. That's just how it is. So that's how it's gotta be, but that's not my voice.

That's not what I believe. So I want you to think about where this voice is coming from. Yes. Should we do that?

I know. Yes. Okay. And now, Yes. So now we're going to move to our shoulders and this holds the area of support.

This is where we can Feel like the weight of the world is on us. And a lot of times when we have these beliefs, it can feel like it's us against the world.

And it's just sometimes easier to just like go along with the world. Cause it's hard to have that empowerment to, to keep believing.

But we're going to release that. So the shoulders hold Schultz and we're just releasing all the sheds, including how things should work, Including how your desire should go.

According to the collective. Is that good? Yes. Okay. Now we're doing the other one And I just remember, you can do whatever you want.

Like just having the belief that you can do. It is all you need. You don't need to listen to society, to the community, to your parents, to your family, to your friends, you get to decide what you believe and having faith.

I just, I just saw this tick-tock. I was like, you need to believe that you're the exception to the role and that's what we're doing here.

We're releasing all of the, the normalness, the expectations you get to be the exception to the rule here,  Feels good Without the weight of the world, on your shoulders.

What is possible without these things in your ear saying you can't do that. That's not how it should go. What is possible when you release those limiting beliefs?

What is possible? Everything. Everything is possible. Sorry guys. I'm also getting over, being sick. So excuse the cough. Okay. Is that good?

Yes. Yes. Back to this now. Yes. So we're going to now work on this hanged man, this new image of ourselves.

What would you tell a baby? What would you tell a baby? If they were starting a new venture, like you they're completely worthy, anything is possible.

I want you to think of your new venture, your vision in this way. We need to think of it as we need to get a different perspective.

Now that these limiting beliefs are gone and we noticed them at least this one that we've worked on today, What needs to be shifted?

Okay. We are now going to imprint the thought, the exact opposite of what that limiting belief was. Yes. Kimberly just said, you can do anything.

You put your mind to. Exactly. Exactly. So for my example, it is totally possible to get 10,000 subscribers. Why not?

Like why literally? Why not? I believe that. So I want you to think the exact same. How can you believe?

What do you need to believe to make this be true? To, to help support your vision are going to imprint that.

So think of that right now. We're going to imprint it into your body. Yes. We're going to do something fun.

This is something I'm going to be doing during my setting course workshop, but we can do it quickly here. This is one of my favorite type of visualizations.

We're going to connect to our future self, our future self, who already has the things we want our future self who has already been there.

Who's done that. Who has, who is living your dream life, right? So I want you to sink in to yourself with me.

I want you to go to the forest in your mind. And I'm like deeply. Imagine what that forest looks like.

Do you hear a babbling Brook? Do you hear birds? Do you hear squirrels? Maybe the wind rustling through the leaves.

And then you see a bright white orb. This orb is going to take you to where your future self lives.

So I want you to say hello to it and then follow it. Taking you deep within the forest. Over rivers, around trees.

We're going, we're following the breadcrumbs that your future self left, you And that, or brings you to a house. What does this house look like?

This is where your future self lives. Maybe it's a tree Fort, a mansion, a beach cottage. And I want you to knock on the door three times And the door opens and it's your future self.

And they are so, so, so, so excited to see you and they give you a big hug. Have you a big hug and they just welcome you into their house.

They're so glad you're here. They've been waiting for you. Take note. What does your future self look like? How does she, how do they act?

And then you're going to go sit somewhere comfortable. Your future self is sitting across from you and they're holding your hands And they're looking you in the eye and they're saying, I'm ready.

Hit me with your best shot. What question do you have for me? What can I help support you with? And so I'm going to give you a few questions.

You can ask your future self. You can ask your future self. What next steps should I take with this thing that you want?

This vision, this desire, You can ask your future self. What am I doing in the future? What, what my vision, like what, what life am I living?

Give me clues. You can ask your future self. Show me how it gets better. How can it get better? What does that feel like?

And then I want you to listen. I'm going to give you some tasks silent, quiet time while I send some energy to you and your future self Remember this is your future self.

They are living the life of your dreams. They've already done it. They know it all. Maybe they can even give you some encouragement.

What are you doing? Right? You can ask them that too. Okay. I'm going to give you 30 more seconds. You can keep talking to your future self.

You can wrap it up. Perfect. Now I want you to look around the room. What do you see? What? Are there any clues?

Are there any like symbols are? What, what do you see? What do you, what excites you that is possible in your future?

Next? I want you to ask your future self for if they have any more question, like anything else they want to tell you any other messages Anything else they want to tell you?

Okay. I want you to give your future self such a big hug. Thank them for being there. Thank them for watching over you for giving you these clues.

These messages. Tell them if you, if you feel up to it that you will visit them again sometime soon And maybe they give you some sort of gift or talisman.

What does that look like? I just saw somebody sees yourself like slipped something into their pocket and it looks like a star, but like one of those chocolate stars, if you've ever received them in like Godiva chocolate So you said goodbye to your future self.

And I want, they're going to walk you to your door, to the door. As you shut the door. I want you to put your hand on the door.

I want you to say this future is totally possible. My dreams are possible. They're real. I can do anything. I can be anything I want And take a deep breath.

And then I want you to walk out of the woods, how you came Over mountains over rivers. I want you to come right back to the spot where you started in the forest, and there's a tree there.

And I want you to sit right under that tree. And I want you to see the thing that you want.

This 20, 22 desire, this vision you have for yourself. And I want you to hug it into your body, just like hug it into your chest.

This might be challenging the first few times you do it. That's okay. I each every time you do this, you make it easier to accept into your energetic body.

So I recommend keep doing it and doing it. Add this to your meditation practice. So you're bringing it into your body, into your energy field.

And you're saying, this is mine. This is me. We're going to wrap up. So let me know how you feel in the comments.

Does it feel more possible? Do you feel expanded? Do you feel limitless? Let me know. I am going to ground.

Yes. For going well, first let's integrate. Okay, great. And we're going to have a shower of white light just coming over you.

It's the divine at your highest self. Okay. Definitely feels possible. Feeling limitless today. I love it. Limitless is such a good feeling and it's so true.

We are so magic. You are so magic. So now I want you to feel where your body is touching something solid, Feel where your body meets the air meets meets matter.

And I want you to see a bright red light in the base of your spine. It gets bigger. It overflows into your pelvis, down your legs pools in the bottom.

You repeat, then your feet open up and too thick roots come down and go deep into the middle of the earth.

I go out in all directions, And then we were happy you up in a big bubble of light. This is your protection light.

This is your protection bubble. We ask your spirit team to be with you and keep, watch over your energy. And I'm going to take a deep breath.

I'm going to disconnect from your energy, send it back to you lovingly and bring back mine. Perfect. I'm going to pull a card for you from sacred travelers, Oracle deck.

Well, what does an Oracle message for us for 2022? No. Now for 2022, for this vision, yes. For this vision that we had, what is a message for us View from above?

Get the big picture. Maybe even one of your visions is to go to that like hot air balloon festival. That was always one of mine.

Okay. I'm going to read it. Oh my gosh. So good. Don't get bogged down in details. Let go of petty concerns.

Get the big picture. Imagine that you're seeing your life from above only do what is truly important. Everything else is inconsequential.

Go through each area of your life to look and see what the big picture is. Make major life decisions. Based on this strategy, the sacred traveler wants you to know.

It's easy to forget what the overall journey is about. When travelers get caught up in the day to day survival and the ups and downs of life on the road.

It's only when the traveler takes the time to look at the big picture that he realizes that most worries and anxieties are only temporary.

Imagine yourself in the future. Imagine yourself in the future, ask yourself what, ask yourself. If what you are doing now will be important to your future.

Self. Focusing on these concerns takes a valuable life force energy, keep your focus directed on the important things in life.

Let everything else drop away. I'm definitely seeing this also, like don't worry about the, how that's, how the universe will show up somehow, but you don't need to think about it.

Just keep thinking of the big vision. Think what's right for you. What excites you? Don't worry about the details. The details are consequential, as it says.

And so I feel so good. I'm so excited for everyone. Like I think it's going to be a beautiful year.

So glad everyone's feeling the vibes. I, let me share a couple things from energy with Ryan world. I have a free notion template out there for you.

It's a Lincoln bio and it's called health life bars. And it helps you get that big vision of your life and how it's going.

I really figured out that like, things aren't as bad as I thought they were. And some things like when you take a look at your life as a whole things get iffy.

But like when you see like, this is how my friendships are doing, this is how my relationships, this is how my business, blah, blah, blah.

You get to see like, oh, things are doing pretty well. I'm just only focusing on the negative. So check that out.

And two, I have setting course workshop is now open for registration link and bio I'm so excited about it. I love doing it.

It's going to be different this year than last year. And there's like a really sick, amazing notion, manifestation vision board template.

For those who sign up, I'll be dropping more details as the time goes. But if, if that doesn't work for you, I hope this, this helps support you in your vision.

I hope you have a wonderful day friends and I will see you for the next energy community energy Thursday, which is I think 3rd of February it's whatever the first February, Thursday in February is.

So I'll see you then.


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