Energy Healing: Release to Expand


What needs to be released so you can move forward?

Transcript Below

Release what doesn’t serve you so you can make room for the new and expansive.

Today we worked on clearing the old and heavy, things that were ready to go. We release the accumulated energetic smog and muck and imprinted new desires and beliefs to prep our body and energy for what is to come. We specifically worked on the heart, solar plexus, sacral, and third eye.

This is a perfect energy healing for a full moon, before a new moon, the new year, or anytime you need an energetic reset.

PS: This is from February 2022’s Community Energy Thursday!

What’s Community Energy Thursday (CET)?
CET is my form of community care and support. It's a free 30 minutes of energy healing that's intuitively guided.

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Welcome welcome everyone. It's Ryan with energy with Ryan, and this is community energy, Thursday. The first official one of 2022.

Since the last one didn't go as planned. Welcome. I'm so happy you're here so much. Excitement. It's February. It was just lunar new year.

We had it in bulk, lots of fresh clearing energy, and that's exactly what we're going to work on today. I was just out walking.

It is 70 degrees here today. Very, very strange. And I received the message that we're going to be doing some like clearing to prep for this new lunar year, because in my mind, in the agricultural world and other cultures, this is really the start of the new year.

So let's start fresh. Let's clear the things we need to clear and get us ready for this upcoming year. Plus we just had FA 2, 2 22 and soon will be two 20 to 22.

So very exciting portal days. Okay. So if you're new here, this is community energy. Thursday. We do this the first Thursday of the month at noon Eastern time.

And it's a place for the community to receive energy healing in an accessible a way because we are only as strong as the group.

And so let's, let's support the group together. Okay. So welcome everyone. If you are just tuning in, we're going to be doing a deep energy clearing to prepare us for this new year and also allow us to, I don't know, expand and to up level.

So if you're ready, take a few deep breaths with me And I'm not sure about y'all, but my January was rough, so I'm very happy to be clearing the things that need to be cleared together.

Okay. So first I am wrapping us up in a pink bubble of light and that which only serves your highest and greatest good divine law in order to come through.

This is a bubble, a protection of love. Perfect. And first we are going to thank the earth. Um, thank you for all your resources.

Thank you for your beauty, for, for allowing us to be here for supporting us. And thank you to those who have stewarded the land for so many generations.

Um, the indigenous folk native folk, and we thank you. And we send reverence and awe to both the land and to those who are supporting the land.

And then we think our spirit team for those who, um, are beloved past ones, our ancestors, our master healers are angels, any guides that want to be with us and, and protect us and watch over us, we give you thanks.

And also we ask you to be here with us now To watch over us, protect us, help us heal what we need to heal, release what we need to release, receive what we need to receive in a way that is gentle, complete effortless in the best ways for our own body, through mind, body, and soul past, present, and future in all timelines, we exist and through all the energetic bodies, I keep adding stuff and it just becoming a mouthful.

Okay. So now is the perfect time to set your own intentions for anything that you'd love to, to clear to release, um, or just have an intention of how you want to feel afterwards or what you're ready for.

Okay. I'm going to connect to your energy. And I keep forgetting to say this, but this is not medical advice.

Uh, you know, this is for entertainment purposes only, And a value at energy with Ryan is taking responsibility for ourselves in our own healing.

There's an interesting energy. I'm excited to tap in Before I ever connect. Just a fun fact, before I ever connect to your energy, I always, um, receive what is called spiritual selfishness and it's to prep my energy to make sure I'm filling on giving from a full cup.

So a nice, a nice remembrance of how to give, to make sure you're giving from an empty cup. Welcome. Welcome everyone.

If you are new, I'm just connecting to your energy. Now we are all wrapped up in a beautiful bubble of protective light.

We're going to be working on clearing the things that need to be clear to prep us for this upcoming new lunar year So I very much see just like a hardened shell, like an ag.

And so we're just going to release that. It's just typically like energetic Smaug or, um, You know, just like the day to day stuff.

If you feel up to it, you can put your intentions and emojis in the chat. I love working with symbols and I'm trying to get really into symbols.

That's clear. This would be clear. Okay. We asked our spirit team to help us completely clear all this energy that we do not need.

Okay. It feels good. Ooh, we got some rainbows, some dancing, some hearts, some unicorns stars, some lettuce love to see it.

Okay. There's this nineties toy that there was like a fairy or a Barbie that was in like this plastic shell and the shell opened.

And that's really what I'm seeing. Should we remove the shell? No, we don't need to remove the shell because you can put up the shell whenever you need to, when you need that protection, right?

Like you need boundaries, like keep it. Um, but we're just going clear between your protective shell and you were going to clear that out that way you were in control of putting the shell over you.

Okay. For example, I really shield, um, before I'm in a very busy place. Like I haven't gone to a concert, but if I would go to a concert, I would, I would shield and put that protective bubble over me, a family event, um, traveling an airport, you know, we, it's good to have these shields, so thank your shields, but we're just going to now allow the, the muck to go, that we don't need any longer.

And when we do that, we're going to bring the sun in and divine light to help clear up this, um, just like energy.

That's ready to go. I feel so good Going no. How can we keep, is it going to keep doing it now?

So we need to vacuum. Yeah. So I'm just going to vacuum. I just imagine I have like one of those giant, uh, car vacuums, like the nozzles, and I'm just like vacuuming it up.

Was there a root cause of this? And for some of you, there's a root cause for, um, this muck. Do we know?

We don't need to know anything more? Um, can we clear it all together? Yeah. So we're just going to clear it all together.

Oh, that was that last piece. I know. Okay. So we're good. Ooh. More emoji's oh, these are fun. We have a broom house, a little, a little garden hat, some fairies, some hearts on fire.

I love it. We're bringing in we're creating space for all that, right? It feels so good. Okay. What next heart?

Yes. Okay. So now we're going to work on the hard space. We cleared The stuff that needed to be cleared from our external, from, yeah.

Just the stuff that need to be cleared. And now we're going to work on the heart. These have been some heavy, uh, past few years.

We're just gently releasing, you know, again, completely effortlessly in the way that's best for you, your body, your energy, um, the things are ready to go from your heart space.

Maybe we're holding onto grief, um, sadness and good reminder that like here at energy with her, with Ryan, we feel our feelings.

And also sometimes things get stuck when we either don't feel our feelings or there's just too much at once. I mean, no judgment.

We're all just doing the very best we can. So we're just gently releasing from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

I like, sometimes this stuff can be not even yours. It could be someone else's. It could be the collective I've actually recently, um, who was I working with?

I think my own energy therapist. And it was galactic instead of like, like earth collective. It was galactic collective. And I was like, hold up.

It was a new one. Yes. Okay. That feels good in the heart is or no. Okay. So we're just going to shine such a bright light on the heart and sun and light and your angels and your spirit team.

And we're just going to fill it up with this divine light. Oh, it feels so good. When we create space, we always fill it with, um, with something, something bright, some things, something good to, to fill that vacuum For, for example, you, um, if you were trying to shift a limiting belief and you were like, I'm no longer going to believe that I am lazy.

Well, let's shift it and think of something, you know, positive to put in that place. So it's not just nothing.

Right. It's, it's, it's helpful to have that new, fresh energy in. Okay. And so solar. Yeah. Yes. Fine. Yes. Okay.

When we shifted the heart, I felt things in the lower chakras, um, shift. So we're first going to work with the solar plexus.

This is our power. Um, It feels weak for most of us and that's okay. There's no judgment here. I'm really feeling.

It is like the world keeps it's like you against the world and the world is waves and it just keeps crashing on you.

And so I feel like our power is just kind of like exhausted, overwhelmed, just like I need a break. So we're going to just hold space.

This might be the time when I cry because I'm feeling, feeling some emotions and that's okay. If you're new to energy work, you can feel flush of heat.

You can, you know, cry, feel cool, get shivers. Yun Feels like less. Like we have to release things and more that we need to imprint and bring in and fill up.

So let's do that. I want you to imagine a bright, bright sun beam, just like right into the spot below your chest, above your belly button, you can put your hand there.

That's what I'm doing right now. It feels so good. Which all, yes. We're just filling this. It feels like we need to fill it like the size of a beach ball.

And now I'm seeing us like playing beach volleyball. So that's good. It's, it's bringing that power back. That excitement, the, um, What does it feel like?

It just feels bringing you back to you. Hmm. Hmm. Maybe hold how maybe you hold one of your visions for yourself for this upcoming year.

Maybe how you want to feel who you want to be. And let's imprint that into your solar plexus. Let's give it, um, some let's let's bring in future you, the future, you who is already doing these things that you want, um, who is already strong and confident and powerful.

Let's bring that person into your solar plexus just to remind your body and your energy. And if this is challenging, um, no worries.

Like you can keep practicing this. You can come back to this energy healing. You can do this in your meditation.

You can visualize this, you can journal it. Um, but just keep practicing, I think is the important part. We're just going to like anchor this image and these feelings in the heat just kicked on.

Hopefully you can't hear it. It sounds pretty loud. Okay. This is what happens. When you create space, you are allowed to expand your vision.

And, and now that we brought this energetically into your body, your body's going to be like, I need to prep for this.

Like, this is my new, this, my new way of life. This is my new, um, my new belief system. Uh, things are going to shift now for, to help support this.

Okay, then separately. Yes. Okay. So now we're going to work on her. Say girl, one of my favorites as an undefined, say girl, manifester and human design.

If you don't know human design obsessed with it, it's, it's similar. Um, to astrology in that it's an identification system that helps give you language on how to understand your energetic blueprint.

Okay. And so we're going to release, of course, we're going to release the things that no longer serve you. And a lot of those are societal.

Like that's, if you don't work 60 hours a week, you're lazy. Um, uh, what are some other ones rest is for the week I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Um, the, these, these societal abelist, uh, offensive stories, beliefs that keep being passed down in our society, which really only benefit capitalism, um, and doesn't benefit our bodies.

And so we're just going to release what needs to be released right now, because this could be, you know, a whole year long energy healing session, but we're releasing enough to help us shift enough where we're like, Hmm, I don't think that's true anymore.

Or like, I, someone just, I worked with someone recently and they're here and they said that they feel like they no longer need to earn rest.

And that made me so emotional because if we could all get to a spot where we're like, my body's tired, I deserve rest.

I give myself rest. It is a gift. It's not even a gift. Like this is something I need. Um, so if we can just make a little shift to where we're supporting our bodies in that way, that's huge.

That's huge. That is so big. And something to celebrate. Let me know in an emoji, if you will, What your dream is around rest and, and nourishment, and like, what is your vision with that?

How do you want to feel? Because we're going to imprint those into our sacred role. We're just going to finish clearing.

Is there a root? Yes. Can I know? Okay. So there is a root cause to a lot of this. Um, I'm going to have to close the window one second.

Oh man. It was so loud. Okay. There is a root play, a place that, that these thoughts are rooted. We don't need to work on them now.

Um, we can do that in a later time, but we're just releasing enough that our body can handle today. Okay.

Let's see a dragon, lots of flowers and bees. Oh, I love that. Heart's feeling good. A peacock to feeling light and joyful, to be a regular practice.

Love that. Okay. So we're going to hold all this energy and we're going to bring it to below our belly button.

And I, this is simple, but it's not easy. Right? So I'm feeling some resistance and that's okay. You know, we're not even just working on our own, um, beliefs, but generational, right?

Multi-generational past lives. The collective it's, it's, it's a lot, but slowly and surely, we can get to a place that we feel good in.

So do not. Uh, Hmm. I just had a big, big shift. Do not stress yourself. This is something to keep coming back to.

That feels really good. We're just going to, again, imprint these feelings and new beliefs all the way up, all through our body, from our toes to our head.

And we're in printing them through our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual body, past present future, and all timelines. We exist and throughout our generations.

Okay. That feels good. I'm definitely going to go over in time normal, right? It feels good. Yes. Is there anything else we should do?

Yes. Besides ground? Yes. Okay. What is it rude? No, no, yes, no. The third eye, yes. Okay. So now we're going to work with our third eye.

So we, we cleared a lot today. Um, I definitely recommend, you know, drinking nutritive beverages, waters with some salt in it.

Um, some teas, some juices just to help flush your body and to give it some goodness. Um, so we cleared a lot and now I think we're going to the expansive part, cause we're going to work with our third eye.

So let's see what they want me to, to here. Hmm. So this is, we're going to open to receive and we're going to be open for how could I put it expansion?

Yes. Is there some more now? So open to this expansion If you have the ability to, um, I suggest getting some sun on your third eye, that feels really good.

That good? Yes. Okay. So we cleared that. Yes. Okay. And so now we're just going to put that sun in, put that light in and just know when we're doing this, we are opening ourselves up to receive more, to expand more to Just, uh, they want to say, what are they trying to tell me?

I just see like this, like, like this movement, like move forward and like be open, like, like our heart space is open to like truly live and feel, um, like to live without barriers.

Yeah. Okay. So again, thank you for your vision. Think of something you want to call in, think of who you want to be.

Think of new beliefs, whatever. Just pops into your brain. Let's imprint it into your third eye. And then we also want to say, thank you.

I just keep hearing. Thank you. So let's think it let's think our bodies think our energy Okay. I think our spirit team to continue to guide us and help us receive what we need to receive.

Okay. Are we good? Yes. Integrate. Yes. So we're going to integrate now. You can like move a little bit. That always feels good.

Gentle movement. Okay. I'm going to ground us. And then I'm going to read a card. My phone is on it.

It's okay. Nope. We'll see. So I want you to imagine a bright red light at the base of your spine.

It's a powerful red light. It's very potent. It goes bigger and bigger. It fills your pelvis with this light. It goes down your legs, pools in your feet, and then your feet open up and too thick roots come out and they go deep into the middle of the earth.

If you're having trouble, imagine the earth coming up and helping you pull down. And then your roots go out in all directions.

And then a big bubble of flight we're putting around us, our protection or shield actually. I mean, you already have it.

I already see like your protective shell coming over you. And that's awesome. That means you have a really great shields, a really great, um, energetic boundary, so congrats.

And then we just imagine our spirit team being around us and protecting us. Okay. Take a deep breath. How do you feel a serious as we have some goosebumps?

I just definitely keep feeling some stomach shifting. Like I'm getting some grumbles shield up. Yes. I love that. I remember that like, this is, do I want to say this?

That's your medicine like that is to protect you and to help you and like, you need to, like, that comes first.

Yeah, that comes first. Okay. I have a, and I'm nervous about, uh, shuffling my Oracle deck cause I'm going to move it and then we're going to work with the sacred Traveler's Oracle card.

When my favorites it's 12 30, 4 of my God. 1, 2, 3, 4. Perfect. I love angel numbers. Um, my birthday is December 11th and I see 12, 11 at least once a day.

That's the best. Okay. So we just cleared so much. We prepared our bodies, our energy for whatever's next for us, which is so exciting.

Um, a message for it. Yes. A message for our expansion or like moving forward, highest and greatest. This is so beautiful.

Traveling lightly simplify your life. So he has a little, um, like one of those tiny, cute guitars now ukulele, but like something in antiquity and there's this kind of like garbage can that he just placed all of his stuff.

So let me read. And before that, let me just say, um, I forgot to do this. I'm a releasing your energy and I'm bringing my energy back to me.

Okay. Traveling lightly, simplify your life guys. I just can't release what doesn't support you. A busy life in the accumulation of more than you need.

Create static, clear internal and external clutter. Do what matters and release the rest and release the rest to find peace, grace and stillness, simplify your life.

Otherwise, it's difficult to hear the voice of the creator create time to rest and rejuvenate. The sacred traveler wants you to know on the journey.

We often gather things that don't support us. It's time to say goodbye to fellow travelers, situations and objects that don't bring out the best in you.

Keep what works and let go of the rest doing what is essential and releasing. Everything else is one of the fastest ways to align with the tranquil vibration of the spiritual brown clear things from your schedule that do not advance your life forward.

Even a small amount of this clay cleansing can make an immense difference. My stomach just growled again. So the message keep clearing gently.

You know, again, joy is important, so only do it as much as it feels good. And keep, you can keep coming back to this.

You can, um, take salt baths. You can imagine, you know, a bright white light clearing you, you can ask the trees to help just continue to gently support your body, um, simplify your life.

We are in February again and bulk was yesterday. We're on the lunar new year. It's all about cleansing. February's about cleansing.

It's about getting ready for the spring, spring cleaning. So that's what I'm going to be doing today. I think I might even, um, get my garden ready, simplify my life.

That way, this feels so good. Okay. So your message for the rest of the month, just simplify your life and do whatever feels good.

Um, remember joy, choose joy and ask for energy with Brian updates. I, if you are a part of the rising sessions, secret circles, sisterhood, our next meeting is next Wednesday.

And my membership is coming out in March. I'm going to do the first month free and I'm so excited. It's going to be a, um, a supported six month journey in, in a group setting similar to this, right?

And it's going to be twice a month, I think. And it's just going to be an intentional journey to prepare your body for the year, uh, help it support, support it by, by flowing with the cycles.

Um, spring is a time of new life rebirth. Um, so doing all that fun stuff, energetically and also supporting the body because in traditional Chinese medicine, each season connects to an organ and in spring it's, uh, the liver.

So anger. So prepping the body for, to help release anger. Because if you are stagnant, you can feel a lot of, a lot of anger and we're going to help like release that.

Oh, yay. I will. Um, yes, it's going to be posted. I still have to write the copy for it. I will be sending emails out shortly.

I'm very excited and it's also, we're going to do on the first one, uh, an initiation. So for those who want to live more, oh my gosh, I can't stop it.

Who wants to like live more simply, um, we're going to connect to the earth and have an attunement to the earth so we can con so we can live this way so we can be open to it just like we did today to be open to our expansion.

So there's lots of fun things in the works. And maybe now that I spoke it out loud and use my manner, minute fester voice, I'll be inspired to write the pages and the events and stuff.

So I will message you if you're interested just to get your email. And I hope you have a wonderful day.

If you have any questions, let me know. It's February. It's not January more. I'm very excited. Yeah. I hope you have a wonderful day friends.


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